So in your opinion the 99% iso isn't something you would do again? i have two bottles of the stuff but dont want to waste my weed.
well, I have read other reports of people being happy with the iso oil, but yeah, my experience with refluxing was not nearly as successful as butane, and it was way more complicated. With butane I can have oil in less than an hour
The acetone is good too. I used to know a guy who made extracted hash using it, and I watched him a few times. warning though, the way you reflux is in a sealed aparatus, and is relatively safe. This method scared the shit outta me

He'd take acetone, and dump in ground up weed (I'm sure trim works the same way). this would go on a hot plate outside, and he'd bring it to a light boil, stirring frequently. This heated for around an hour if I remember correctly. Then he'd bring the heat down so it wasn't boiling, and it would begin to separate. The carbon and similar material would sink, the oil would make a film on the top. At this point you could scrape off the oil and evaporate the acetone to get pure oil. He would take a small amount of the carbon that settled out and used it to bond the oil, resulting in a super potent black sticky hash.
edit: acetone sounds scarry, but isn't quite as bad as you think. It's less toxic than most solvents (it occurs naturally in the body in small amounts). However, it is one of the more flammable solvents you can easily buy, so if you use it be careful. Same with butane, most butane methods you are basically holding a pipe bomb, and it's leaking