Rented property is it safe??


Active Member
Is there anyone on this forum that would consider using 8 weeks of 200watt cfl and 8 weeks of 600watt HPS with air cooled reflector and 2 5 inch fans on a rented house with all bills included?

I'm worried Mr Landlord may get suspicious.

Anyone growing in rented accommodation tell me about your setups.



Well-Known Member
My two cents : Never grow on rented property.

Now, trent, who grows 60 plants in a rental house would disagree, but he's got a med card, so its slightly different. Just slightly.


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt do it if your utity bill is atached to your rent like you pay it to your landlord but if its a house you rent and the land lord leaves yopu alone i dont see the problem


Active Member
I dont want to change how I pay the landlord because that might raise some suspicion. He hardly ever pops in and its only going to be three plants carbon filtered in my bedroom. The electricity is included with the rent.. What you think bad idea?

Should I downsize light?


Well-Known Member
youll probably be fine my land lord knows i dont want to be bothered and i pay 2 months rent at a time early and i been renting form them for like 5 years now so they leave me the hell; alone and are just glad to get that check

you dont have that much light going imo youll be fine but you would know your situation better than i would honestly


Well-Known Member
im not sure how much electricity is where you are but that set up where i am would only raise your power bill like 20 bucks so it shouldnt be a big deal


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt do it if your utity bill is atached to your rent like you pay it to your landlord but if its a house you rent and the land lord leaves yopu alone i dont see the problem

exactly...i havent heard of too many landlords being a problem, unless you present yourself as trouble.

remember folks, first impressions are everything.

get a feel for dude/lady. and let them get a feel for you as well.

change all the locks on the house. and see if the landlord says that he came by and his/her key dont work. that will tell you right there.


Active Member
I have been living in the property for the past year so I already know that he only comes by like once every month.

I was concerned about the landlord being suspicious of the rise in electricity. The bill will be paid every three months so I'm thinking it will be noticeable.


Well-Known Member
yall stoners just need to chill and relax.

you all dont think. you do something illegal then yall loose yer(yes i said yer) damn minds!!!!

you get have 2 space heaters in your apartment running and trust your bill will go up.

instead of worrying about the increase, do something to battle it. contrary to stoners belief....its alot of other things that take up more wattage than some hps lights......

battle the rise by using all low wattage cfls in the room instead of incandescents. turn all lights off period. if you arent using them, nobody is in the room....turn the damn light off. i fuss at my kids about that all the damn time!

turn fridge/freezer up 2 notches. vacuum coils on the back.

turn your thermostat down. a slight adjustment of just a degree or 2 will save alot!


Active Member
battle the rise by using all low wattage cfls in the room instead of incandescents. turn all lights off period. if you arent using them, nobody is in the room....turn the damn light off. i fuss at my kids about that all the damn time!

turn fridge/freezer up 2 notches. vacuum coils on the back.

turn your thermostat down. a slight adjustment of just a degree or 2 will save alot!
Your very persuasive loudblunts.


Well-Known Member
if he comes by once a month that is alot imo lol

i only see my landlord when i call him and tell him i need to see him

but i still think you will be ok thats still not much power and i wouldnt like bring him into the bedroom

house or appartment?


Well-Known Member
if he comes by once a month that is alot imo lol

i only see my landlord when i call him and tell him i need to see him

but i still think you will be ok thats still not much power and i wouldnt like bring him into the bedroom

house or appartment?
yes i agree...that is alot. i mean damn....did you give him the impression you needed to be checked up on?

i keep hearing this question be asked, but i've never seen a landlord bother a tenant unless there were property damages, something need to be fixed etc.

Even when i was in college and rented an expensive ass apartment. Landlords didnt even bother me one bit and it always stunk like a skunk outside my door (no growing, that was just from us smoking like crazy).


Loudblunts is right, just chill, think about it, if you were an energy fiend lol, and you had 2 big screens running all the time, lights on all time, fridge cranked up, heat blazing hot or AC turned to the max. if you were like this and your bill was outrageous you could give a fuck less. but since your growing pot you get paranoid, you feel that right away you will be accused of growing, if you are paying the bill and he hasnt ever bitched, then if it goes up and you continue to pay them i doubt he will care or even notice. plus you arent pulling way to much with that. so if he likes you and you've never had anything negative from him then i would say go with it. just be smart, use much less energy other places, then it wont look so bad. switch your lighting schedule to have the lights run at a different time so the bill increase varies every month. that way he wont be like what!? 79 dollar increase each month?, that is so consistant. he will only get suspicious if you think about it and make it obvious, act as if you did before you grew pot. just be normal, and if he does come over be inviting, just dont let him see your grow.


Well-Known Member
I was also wondering this...Me and my little bro are going to be renting a place in March...He already found a nice place that said they would rent to kids. But, it's going to be a 20 yr old and an 18 yr old living there. So, I'm thinking the landlord will be thinking we might fuck shit up. Do you think I got to worry about the landlord snooping around?