8 Plants 1 Pot

Think this out thoroughly

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The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Another prominent member and I (I shouldn't say another, as I'm a nobody here) have been having a solid in-depth discussion analyzing this fella's thread and mindset. My position has been that the thread is an entire hoax / gimmick. An incredibly well thought one at that. Looking at the picture that I quoted was the only one that I had seen, as I didn't go back to the post with all of OPs pictures and ab competition entry (by the way your abs suck, you clearly don't drink enough beer, eventually I'll show you fine folks what a gut should look like).

Anyhow, just looking at that one picture of a basket on a stool on top of the entire Encyclopedia Britanica series, it looks fake (as in he just did it to take a picture of it), as you can see light penetrating the cloth all around, and pretty much at the bottom for the most part.

However this morning, I went back and read the rest of the thread I missed, saw the actual picture of actual plants in an actual picnic basket, and I will publicly concede that I was incorrect about my assumptions of the OP. He is not trolling, he is mentally deficient.
I liked everything but your last 4 words of your post...if someone wants to play, what the fuck? No sweat off your sack. Just enjoy the ride, but why be insulting?


Well-Known Member
he's a troll, he even +repped me and messaged me talking about how godly I was. now he's in here being a virgin.


Well-Known Member
You know that 12 hours is supposed to be total darkness right? I hope you dont use your bedroom much...

I guess if you wrapped the entire outside of the house in panda film it might be dark enough.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Blankets over every window. and I just now made a closet spot that is pure darkness.... I'm not in the room cause the computer makes too much light. using the family pc

and I also thought about moonlight.... sometimes it's pretty bright and weed still grows... not to be a dick or anything, but can anybody solve that mystery


Well-Known Member
you missed the point obviously... he said it must be pitch dark.... in nature it's rarely pitch dark. just saying.

grow space

Well-Known Member
so, it does not effect anything...Case closed, or re-open it if u want, but its pointless....Anyways, care to share some pics or whatnot ?!



Well-Known Member
so you should've just agreed with me and we would've been done with that lol....

no camera. will provide more pics when possible


Well-Known Member
I hate giving my plants too long of darkness. I'm worried about how things will turn out. going to make sure the temp is good, brb


Well-Known Member
Tafbag i saw the pics HOLY FUCK. That is the funniest grow i have ever seen. They look healthy tho
Im gonna be larfing for a while


Well-Known Member
I feel like calling names. I'm pretty excited to finally show off my work~


I couldn't get the whole chair and table in because of the impossible angle to get them all at once. but... none of my plants have any problems. just 1 had a brown tip once but it was like that when it was born... so idk. probably just didn't like the gerber it was eatingi think i bumped it:confused:
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