Rightside up? or Upside down?

I'm interested to see what the roots look like - I'm guessing a four-inch thick pancake of dense, spun-out roots all stuck to the bottom of the pot.

I think they actually do alright growing like that, at least I know tomato plants do. Ever see those Topsy Turvey tomato planters? =)
This thread is funny all people want to know about is the root struvture. lol
My brother was worried about the weight.
I dont have any worries man you should see how growing now try pics up tonight
This thread is funny all people want to know about is the root struvture. lol
My brother was worried about the weight.
I dont have any worries man you should see how growing now try pics up tonight

lol no shit eh, well i got faith in them no doubt at all
It happens that this will be amazing! they are doing 10X better than the rest on the floor look at the production being caused!


Sorry got banned from the internet for awhile by qwest
downloading oops

If you're talking about stuff like doing torrents there's an easy fix for that:

1- Go into your network settings and change your DNS servers to OpenDNS server addresses: and
2- Download and run Peerblock while you open/run your torrents: LINK (Do always allow http during install or it will block your web browser heh.)

Changing your DNS servers to an open source server makes it so you're not using your ISP's DNS servers which they use to track what sites your going to, etc.

Peerblock blocks all known bad torrent peers that keep track of who's downloading what. Peerblock is nice because it updates all it block lists itself and keeps you far safer than just doing them without it.

Lemme know if you need instructions for changing your DNS server. Peace! :blsmoke:
i was thinking what if u tied some weigth to the plant to help it gro towards the floor rather then upward ,still neat though,they sell upside down tomato plants everywhere in the summer,they sell those planter spinners that u guessed it spin plants that would be sweet to see ur upside down girls spinnin,
I wounder if anyone has ever tried an outdoor upside down grow? Probably have to veg late in season to avoid it getting to big.
You are the man BBC - CELEBRATION time I wasnt gunna get rid of my torrent!!!!!! I was going to get rid of qwest.
Yeah spinning would be cool thats a possible future device.
Buckets are and bigger. Those topsy turvys are $20 and only like a gallon.

Gotta fix my shit thank you thank you and agian over and over bbc
Nice! And how does one get banned for a while lol? Delinquent bill? We always pay like the day before we get shut off lol. F them and their paying a month in advance. =)

Same thing! screw Comcast, their main building is like a block away so when they shut it off i just walk over and pay them what they want and usually get them to remove all the late fees too lol
Thats cool A6 I liked comcast better and they dont charge you for their mistakes or services