Active Member
Tell me if this is a bad idea, but responses confirming it is a good idea would be more appreciated.
Copying these instructables and making a DIY 40w LED:

The object would be to pick a light that uses the optimum color ranges for what you want to do with it. I've never seen and LED measured in K before, so that seems interesting enough to test out. It would be nice to find some DEEP RED and RED in a 40w. I'll continue research.
I selected a manufacturer of 40w LED lights.
LEDengin has a bunch of different colors. The chart is on this page:
Catalog of 40w:'en-US'&catalog='642'
This can be built for a little over $100. Having spare computer parts could save you enough to put the project under $100.
Either a power cord or busted CFL could be used to connect the driver to an outlet.
$50: 40w Driver

$20: Expensive Heatsink

$60: 40w LED On Chip

$5: Diffuser Made for the 40w LED

Copying these instructables and making a DIY 40w LED:

The object would be to pick a light that uses the optimum color ranges for what you want to do with it. I've never seen and LED measured in K before, so that seems interesting enough to test out. It would be nice to find some DEEP RED and RED in a 40w. I'll continue research.
I selected a manufacturer of 40w LED lights.
LEDengin has a bunch of different colors. The chart is on this page:
Catalog of 40w:'en-US'&catalog='642'
This can be built for a little over $100. Having spare computer parts could save you enough to put the project under $100.
Either a power cord or busted CFL could be used to connect the driver to an outlet.
$50: 40w Driver
$20: Expensive Heatsink
$60: 40w LED On Chip

$5: Diffuser Made for the 40w LED