Well-Known Member

as a matter of fact yea... lol usually paulie d, but when the shirt comes off they start saying situation.... it's ridiculous how many girls love the jersey shore... all you have to tell them is that you have a hot tub and jersey is going to be on tonight, and they come right over and start arguing about which jersey shore character they are... lol, it's funny.Now send us pics of your grow since it only took you a few seconds to show your tits.
BTW Nice abs, do you go by the moniker "The Situation"?
Now that is an understatement...I've read a lot of shit.
I did research, all I did was ask questions. how am I supposed to tell who's right? why are people still attacking =\ bricktop hasn't said anything I haven't heard before.View attachment 1326785just wanted to say tafbang, that you, in my honest opinion are a very bullheaded type of person, the type of person who in the real world makes my whole innermost being cringe with anger and hate. listen to the motherfuckers at RIU, here is 4 of my lovely ladies on their 2'nd week of flower, yes, from bagseed. AND YES , i did alot of fuckin research before i even popped the bagseed into the dirt. why do something if you don't know how and there is a world of information at your fingertips just beckonning to be absorbed...? I did, and i owe most of my rewards as of now to RIU, you muthafuckas know your shit and you have helped me along my nubbish ways. I WILL SOON B MR. GANJA! tafbang, here is a little advice before you try an indoor grow. get a fucking job, save money, buy the equiptment needed for a good harvest, reap the rewards........ oh yea, and do some fucking research. quite being a damn dink about shit and quit acting like you are the shit. you are a miniscule conglomerate of carbon that is neeedlessy wasting our galaxy. please shoot yourself in the head, or quit growing. you make all the real motherfuckers on here wonder why they even post shit if people cannot even absorb the knowledge. ok budporn time, couldnt have made these gals better without all your guys help. Brick Top , i have read much of your knowledge on here and i am gratefull, keep on helping those who want the help, for all of those who have mental defficiencies, please just go out and kill yourselves and rid our world of the extra ignorance, we get enough of it alrdy from our so called governments. + rep will be greatly appreciated,lol
idiot boy, I didn't say that. It was quoted by grow-plenty. a user in this forum... how many retards am I going to have to weave through today?The funny thing is that nothing is spelled wrong, the only grammar mistake was using "your" instead of "You're" to begin the sentence.
tafbang... do us all a favor or atleast me and post some pics when you can.. i noticed ur signature and seems pretty retarded that you've actually resulted putting that in ur signature.. i havent read every page for the simple obvious of all this random rambling that is going on so i dont know exactly what your setup is like or what you are doing.. so agian please take some pics.. i have tons of pictures if u care to see any, go to the link in my signature and read the first post and date of it
Yeah, sometimes us guys just need to get it in once in a while... I heard about the southpark thing, I don't watch the show but it sounded funny. SNookie WANT SMUSH SMUSHyou must hang out with skank whores if they like jersey shore, you guys seen that south park a few days back mocking jersey shore, so fucking funny. SNOOKIE
lol i noticed that, but if tafbang is saying this meaning it simply isnt tru then i dont know wtf tafbang is doing at all.. PICTURES PICTURES PICTURESThe funny thing is that nothing is spelled wrong, the only grammar mistake was using "your" instead of "You're" to begin the sentence.
are you 12? that is the point....Well then your sig makes absolutely no sense at all. Kind of like you.
no, I'M not 12, but you aren't even 18 yet.are you 12? that is the point....
I didn't say what was in my sig... lol? you're fucking with me and I'm allowing it and I'm ashamed, there is no way somebody can be this sillyno, I'M not 12, but you aren't even 18 yet.
so is it tru then? cuz i mean if ur stacking shit on top of shit etc etc u already herd my opinion on that lol.. id quote it again but im too lazy to find it thru this mess, either way get a light fixture atleast and put some proper CFL 6500k in itthis guy was trying to argue, and I thought what he said in my sig was pretty funny, I literally thought about it when I left and I would chuckle at the stupidity.
Yes, but if you are subscribed to it you can go back and laugh if you are feeling moody ;]no, I'M not 12, but you aren't even 18 yet.
Yeah, I changed it to house. if you get through the 1st couple pages of me posting on this thread, you'll understand. and house isn't always correct. he has people helping him figure things out discussing theories and possiblities and diagnosing. I changed it to that to help you guys understand the situation at hand. but some of you are still are not understanding what's going on. and this question has been skipped many times today.house sucks balls, is that pic of house on your avatar a metaphor? like in his shows he is always right, as are you?
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