8 days...Attitude shipment just "hanging" around the Royal Mail


Well-Known Member
To the OP DVXSteve I ordered the same day as you and says the exact same thing still. Dont feel too bad though ... My less important package made it to the US weeks ago and isn't here yet either. LOL. So it doesn't matter which country it's in it still just sits there. They postal people better get on their game. I saw a video on yahoo news last night that says December 13th alone has over 81,000,000 packages sent in the US. Hopeful that paper tsunami that hits them will wake everyone up.
WOW man! Thats alot!!! Im not doubting that I will get them, and Attitude shipped next day..Im just pissed at Royal Mail... Im sucking up resources $50 extra a month alone in power..just for 2 bagseed plants... I wanted a few to up my chances of more girls...If the 2 now become males, i will be so pissed!......... All these resources wasted lol.. But they are looking really nice... I treat them like ladies.........Hope that helps my chances lolol


Active Member
Yea that means your stuffs in usps's hands. My good package hasn't even made it that far. Like many have said before I don't think usps updates at all until its at your door delivered. So who knows you could get it Monday. As for me stuff ain't even in the US yet.
lucky bastards!
ROYAL MAIL AS OF THE 12/1 SAYS: Your item, posted on 01/12/10 with reference xxxxxxxxxx has been passed to the overseas postal service for delivery in UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
So your saying you placed your order back in January and you still have not got it? After a year I would definitely contact them to resend it lol


Active Member
Pretty sure it's December 1st. In America we put the month number first, not over there. Over there it's day/month/year


Active Member
This thread has turned into a disaster... Any slow-ups with shipping are obviously postal holiday time related and not linked to Attitude. I placed an order a month ago and it just arrived in the USA lol


Well-Known Member
Maybe it would be wise for Attitude to go with a more reliable shipping service. Fed Ex is international isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Fedex is less secure due to it being a private company, ie, they can open whatever they fell like opening whenever they want.

For the record. I'm not "mad" at attitude, I just was wondering how other peoples simmilar orders are doing, because I'm anxious to start these seeds and find a momma pheno.


Well-Known Member
Ok boys Hopefully everyone elses order makes it mine is on US soil. (never pay for guarantee shipping) royal mail says mine is still being processed but USPS says it's made it thru NY and on it's way made it there today.


Well-Known Member
Just got my update! woot.

Your item was processed through and left our JAMAICA, NY 11430 facility on December 13, 2010. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.


Well-Known Member
Just got my update! woot.

Your item was processed through and left our JAMAICA, NY 11430 facility on December 13, 2010. The item is currently in transit to the destination. Information, if available, is updated periodically throughout the day. Please check again later.
Well tomorrow will be your 21st day waiting excluding sunday's and thanksgiving and i doubt you will receive tomorrow...
i would ask for a replacement order for the b.s. lol


Active Member
I ordered mine from the single seed centre and it was shipped out 11/22 just finally got an update it made it to customs in NY finally. Should have mine in a few days hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Is that their guarantee or something?
Im just saying i would send them an email stating you have exceeded 21 work days and still dont have your parcel.
It does state on the site allow 21 work days for delivery at most, well...?
Still nothing, even though it did update today and you know its on its way. But still you'll probably get it mid to end of this week
which will be past that 21 day mark. Business is business, and you would be in the right asking some questions about waiting past their postal time lines which are disclosed when you purchase, Id expect to receive with in the time line they gave, if they couldn't hold their end of there disclosures id demand answers and something to rectify the situation and keep me as a customer! They state can take up to 21 days for customer like us ordering at times of the year like this so that 21 days takes this time of year into account.
Nothing says please allow more than 21 days if ordering at busier times of the year lol!
They are setting expectations up they cant meet that is now way to do business, this is my first time ordering from attitude actually ordering seeds at all for that matter, and i know how business should be done and this is just sloppy B.S.!