new bud


Well-Known Member
u know the brits have tendency to keep running there mouthS? chill and smoke a :joint: or will u :spew:?

o i am smoking:mrgreen:

n im chilled. you keep coming back. if u look thru the thred ull c, this started cuz i said some slang from my country and someone caught feelings and started spitting about the UK.

that just ur oppinion.


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ Im an American but I won't defend this piece of shit for nothing, can't fucking smoke a fucking blunt in peace fuck, fucking cops fucking cop cocksuckers!!!! Fuck Fuck Fuck, one of the worst education systems too! So were all just getting overcharged, fucking butt-raped by uncle sam, and our president is a complete fucking douche bag, why???? Because were too fucking stupid so our best comebacks are im gonna cum on your ass bitch!!!! Fuck wheres the blunt im fucking heated, everyone wants to be such a faggy ass patriot just because we have "FREEDOM" but if your retarded enough to think were actually free and that America is the place to be your just plain wrong!!!! Im sick of this whole charade!!!!! refer me to the HBC I fucking hate simple minded Americans...But since I am one I have to accept the fact that I am just as retarded as the rest of yall.
---Now thats ass crack backwardz my friends...Peace to the UK...Thanks for the affordable weed!! oh and I would just like to say fuck one more time before I light this blunt


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah and I don't really hate america I just hate the fact that 1/2 or more of the people in America could probably technically be considered mentally handicapped if they took an IQ test.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and I hate parents...Because once a person has a kid they become so fucking anti-drug even though they were the biggest pot-heads before. Fucking hypocrites...I don't sell drugs to your stupid ass kid, he probably gets it at school, and besides fuck your kids he's a little bitch anyways


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and I hate parents...Because once a person has a kid they become so fucking anti-drug even though they were the biggest pot-heads before. Fucking hypocrites...I don't sell drugs to your stupid ass kid, he probably gets it at school, and besides fuck your kids he's a little bitch anyways
not gona deniy bush blows but dont dis ur own country like that for christ sakes....thats y we get a new one soon =) oh ye and my iq is a 113


Well-Known Member
yeah im totally fucking round just wanted to join the hate,
but it is true that bush does suck and really its probably more like 1/4 of Americans that are retarded. I don't have the exact numbers from the census bureau.

But in regaurds to a new president why would any of these douche bags be any different?

I'll probably vote Obama just for the simple fact that he isn't milking the fame of an ex president (like hilary or little bush),(although I wonder if he even has a chance with a name so similar to Osama) but I remember the good old days when Bill Clinton was in office and the economy ruled!!!! So maybe Hilary wouldn't be that bad...Nah fuck it I don't care Im voting Ron Paul fuck it if my vote doesn't count.


Well-Known Member
lol, 'im done now'

btw, u know the american troops have a tendancie of shooting down there own soldiers?
i aint done neither, laddy. im just gon call u james, cuz thats a brit name, i think. and the U.S. wud reck your military. never heard of nukes? u got em? no. wed blow your sorry as country out the water, queen and all james. and damn, james got computer grown LOL. (ill stop talkin shit if u lemme sample!)

but on a more serious note- can u really talk shit to those guards with the funny hats? and they cant do anything?:twisted:

and we only shoot assholes that make us mad. contrary to popular beleif :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
o i am smoking:mrgreen:

n im chilled. you keep coming back. if u look thru the thred ull c, this started cuz i said some slang from my country and someone caught feelings and started spitting about the UK.

that just ur oppinion.
o i am smoking:mrgreen:

n im chilled. you keep coming back. if u look thru the thred ull c, this started cuz i said some slang from my country and someone caught feelings and started spitting about the UK.

that just ur oppinion.
tht was me. but i aint sorry, i shoulda put the racist shit in da hbc...... and yes u r a dif race as i c it fuckin... james
i aint associated with this bastard below (is this your dad?) .........u skirt wering fuck. (named james)

but how it REEEALLY started was u refered to homegrown in a bad way. wrong time wrong place for ur london slang. because americans r lazy, we dont come up with codes n shit. homegrown means homegrown.


Well-Known Member
i aint done neither, laddy. im just gon call u james, cuz thats a brit name, i think. and the U.S. wud reck your military. never heard of nukes? u got em? no. wed blow your sorry as country out the water, queen and all james. and damn, james got computer grown LOL. (ill stop talkin shit if u lemme sample!)

but on a more serious note- can u really talk shit to those guards with the funny hats? and they cant do anything?:twisted:

and we only shoot assholes that make us mad. contrary to popular beleif :mrgreen:

can u really talk shit to those guards with the funny hats? and they cant do anything?:twisted:


Well-Known Member
weezy f baaaabayyy!!!!!! but uhoh, i think i scared the poor little brit away. im an asshole. but im just fuckin with him.


New Member
can u really talk shit to those guards with the funny hats? and they cant do anything?:twisted:
yep anyone can. but the second you touch one of them id bet you get your arm twisted back and broken in nothing flat.....:-|

bud looks pretty decent. better than primo bagseed smoke and a bit under fire genetics too. id be straight for $10 a g. if it was a drought around or whatever.
theres been one MASSIVE one here in the past 4 days. I know lots of people(12+) that deal in all quality's and EVERYTHING has dried up. No one has anything over a half p. :( I dont sell but a friend needed a favor and i know bunches of friends that would give me it at cost. They cant find much either.....


Well-Known Member
ME???? FROM ONE OF THOSE FARIES???? PLEEZE NIGGAH!!! WHILE THEIR TRYING TO MAKE THEMSELVES OFF AS STATUES IM IN THE FRONT DOOR OOZYING UP THE PLACE....NO DISRESPECT TO BRITS...BUT YOU COULDN'T PAY ME TO STAND STILL, BESIDES IF i GOT AN ITCH ON MY NUTZ IM SCRAtching!!!!!!! I used to hate on merica...but now.....jeez maybe freedom is real?????? let me know???? at least im not trying to be a statue....


Well-Known Member
fa from scared i have college so i went to bed. no hes not my dad, hes scottish you dumb breh, im english. two different cuntries 800 miles apart. so no hes not my dad.

lmao at james, near enough all 'american names' are really english and you dont have a language of ur own, theres no point tryna chuck it about what we call our kids, you call urs the same shit.

nope this all started because u was very far up your own ass and couldnt accept a different interpretation of a word, so u started crying chatting shit = US All Over.

Jesus christ Im an American but I won't defend this piece of shit for nothing, can't fucking smoke a fucking blunt in peace fuck, fucking cops fucking cop cocksuckers!!!! Fuck Fuck Fuck, one of the worst education systems too! So were all just getting overcharged, fucking butt-raped by uncle sam, and our president is a complete fucking douche bag, why???? Because were too fucking stupid so our best comebacks are im gonna cum on your ass bitch!!!! Fuck wheres the blunt im fucking heated, everyone wants to be such a faggy ass patriot just because we have "FREEDOM" but if your retarded enough to think were actually free and that America is the place to be your just plain wrong!!!! Im sick of this whole charade!!!!! refer me to the HBC I fucking hate simple minded Americans...But since I am one I have to accept the fact that I am just as retarded as the rest of yall.
---Now thats ass crack backwardz my friends...Peace to the UK...Thanks for the affordable weed!! oh and I would just like to say fuck one more time before I light this blunt
a american with sense.

by the way, they get a ridicylously high wage, prolly more than most mans wil ever get a chance of see'in, i wouldnt do it tho.


Well-Known Member
u wudnt pay me to be a fuckin pet. they prolly get decent salaries. but w/e, london is 200 miles from scotland actually....... and those guards can be as rich as they want. theyre still goofy ass brits. The queen gave jesus a bj, muthaphukker, and so did bush. but u care about the queen, so dont cry.