My Perpetual Zero-Veg Op


Well-Known Member
Looks good man. I'm still waiting on my chronic order to get here. I'll let you know when I get it all setup. I'm going to use 2x 3x3 flood tables, 2 dr100 tents, and 2x 600hps. Hoping to get a lb every month.


Well-Known Member
I washed 15 gallons of hydroton which with what I already had on hand allowed me to pot 27 nicely rooted clones. Phew!

It also allowed me to repot all of my mothers into 2 gallon buckets (or are they 2 1/2? oh well). Roots look nice, huh.
Nice sexy roots!

Why did you decide to use 100% hydroton pebbles?


Well-Known Member
I've been using hydroton all along ever since I went hydro. Hydroton is a great medium once you establish a system to deal with it. The initial cleaning is a chore, but refreshing it for reuse is much easier I've recycled them 4 times this year.

As for performance, they drain very well, don't seem to encourage algae or mold. I don't know what else I would use. I think I have about 60 gallons of it in play right now.

I'm not entirely sure about the impact of repotting all my mothers; as you can see they were pretty healthy in 5 inch pots. You don't need a lot of roots in hydro. But when I flower them, they will be less likely to tip over and that's a good thing, right? :D


Well-Known Member
15 gallons really only takes about an hour. I put it in a 32 gallon trash can and fill that with water. I stir it up really good and let it sit for a while. Most of the debris goes to the bottom and most of your hydroton floats. I take it out about 1/2 a gallon at a time in a large steel colander and rinse it in another big trash can of clean water, then transfer it to 5 gallon buckets. That pretty much does it. The key is to use much more water than you have 'ton.


Well-Known Member
I just got an order from HTG supply. 1000W Metal Halide lamp with a humongous (Big Kahuna) reflector. That sucker is huge!

Unfortunately, the glass broke during transit. But everything else is fine and HTG is shipping out new glass today! I bought two Agromax bulbs, one for backup. They delivered their cheaper house brand. One phone call and my glass is shipped and they told me to keep the two Growbright bulbs and they're sending the correct ones out today as well. They are a pretty awesome company even though they never seem to get an order right.


Well-Known Member
This is out of control. All of my reservoirs need changing; that's 90 gallons. Here is my water factory:

A handy floor drain is a wonderful thing:

My mother tray. They have grown up into the lights and the clones down below are ready to flower. So today I relocate to the lower part of my basement where my flowering plants are. Since I flower relatively short plants, I don't need the height, but the mothers do.

I have a new light: 1000W MH. It has to cover the whole mother table instead of two 600s. I think if I work on reducing the height of the mothers that should work out. As soon as this big changeover is finished I'll take a big crop of clones.

Here's how it looks installed over the mother tray:

And here are the mothers reinstalled in their new location. Took me about 5 hours to drain, clean and rinse all the various parts of all the turbogardens and then big table. Phew. Halfway done.

Here's what comes next: Bloom side.

I have to clean and rehang 4 600s. set up 4 turbogardens. fill (80 gallons total, I only have 50 for the next few hours. that's why I'm here updating:mrgreen:

Here's a little porn preview from the next post. White Russian. Stay toooooooned.:peace::joint:



Well-Known Member
serious should be cuttin you a check.. or maybe even the other way around. lol nice trees for a zero veg. ++


Well-Known Member
I love Serious Seeds and am ready for an endorsement contract :) I think I'll grow all their other strains too. I've got two down now, after all.

Those are my mothers though, not zero-veg clones. They are about 130 days from seed. The ones i'm putting into flower today (stay toooooned) have only been out of the cloner for 5 days or so, so they count as zero-veg, I guess. . . .

I realize now that I had my clones mixed up. It's the White Russian that's packing on serious weight, I think the skunk is just going to take longer. I'm working on some nice bud shots of both of those. I still need to fill three reservoirs (delivery of res #4 is delayed by blizzard lol). So the clones that were going to go into turbogarden 4 have gone back to the mother tray. Maybe tomorrow. This is seeming like the storm of the century outside (I'm in the upper midwest, people). I hope I don't get a power failure. Or anybody else for that matter.

serious should be cuttin you a check.. or maybe even the other way around. lol nice trees for a zero veg. ++


Well-Known Member
I grew their power skunk as an attitude freebie and didn't clone it first. Now that's sold out so I've been kicking myself ever since. lol.


Well-Known Member
what advantages does your ak/skunk have over the serious ak, any that you notice so far.. ?? she seems a little more stout.


Well-Known Member
Looks really good, why do you have so much mother material? Are they different strains? Thanks for sharing, it's really cool....JR +rep


Well-Known Member
Looks really good, why do you have so much mother material? Are they different strains? Thanks for sharing, it's really cool....JR +rep
I have Chronic, Northern Lights x Skunk and White Russian. I have a lot of mothers in order to grow a lot of clones.