The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You lucky bastard! anything akin to a dove of the 90's? Shit the memories. Don't think my fragile mind could handle that shit any more. My problem with E back in the day was that I just want to drink pint after pint and chain smoke joints. Good times

Hope you don't comedown too hard today, dura.

P.S. How much does a tab go for these days?
Valium I can help you with, I have plenty of that shit.
ohhhh jeeeezzzuusss, wot a fuckin comedown!!!ah feel like shit. the price on theses 'e' are a tenner a go but its a very heavy hit, very trippy, i dont think i'd take them in the pub , its more of a house 'e' for me. but it'll be a goods while b4 i take any again.....gettin too bloody old for the after effects!!

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
Valium I can help you with, I have plenty of that shit.
ohhhh jeeeezzzuusss, wot a fuckin comedown!!!ah feel like shit. the price on theses 'e' are a tenner a go but its a very heavy hit, very trippy, i dont think i'd take them in the pub , its more of a house 'e' for me. but it'll be a goods while b4 i take any again.....gettin too bloody old for the after effects!!
What up Dura,

Glad you're still with us.

A tenner for what you described is worth every penny. I remember the good E all to well. Took far too much back in the day. For sure had some negative effects on me for a few years. Then again I was crazy with that shit, 3 to 4 times a week for a while. Silly silly boy I was. Sex wa fucking killer though. Sucked for me (not being able to cum, Girlfriend loved it.

How are you feeling now? bang some vit C, take a shit, and eat a fry up. lol. I have no idea how my mind would react if I took E now (been four years since my last time. It was shit E though) I think that was the time on my B-Day I did E, Ket, Base and some cunt decided to smash me in the mouth with the butt of a pool cue, 10 stitches in my top lip, luckily no lost teeth though.

Too many Stella's I'm rambling

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
I need some legal advise regarding some cunt robbing my little Brothers £400 BMX from him. The cunt has been arrested. Don't give me shit about my Bro being a grass. These are different times we live in now lads.

Can my Bro claim compensation from this motherfucker for the cost of his bike? I was tempted to give this kid a good kicking like we would have when we were kids, I'd probably get banged up and he'd get off scott free.

Any of you know about legal shit?


Well-Known Member
i think if hes found guilty of theft you may be able to sue him for damages but i suggest you check your house insurance as the bike may be covered by it, dont take all this as gospel because scots law is very different to english.


Well-Known Member
Right children, to start off the English lesson I want each of you to state a fact. Let's start with you tommy.
Tommy: I am 7 years old.
Teacher: Very good tommy that's correct. Jenny?
Jenny: I am a girl.
...Teacher: Excellent. Johnny, your turn!
Johnny: I is...
Teacher: ah ah ah It's "I am" not "I is"! Try again Johnny.
Johnny: Ok... ...I am the 9th letter of the alphabet and you shouldn't jump to conclusions otherwise you will be made to look like a cunt

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
i think if hes found guilty of theft you may be able to sue him for damages but i suggest you check your house insurance as the bike may be covered by it, dont take all this as gospel because scots law is very different to english.
It wan't stolen from the house. A gang of youths set upon him in a public area, there was CCTV in the area. The cops have cuaght the cunt. They were pretty vague about what options my Bro has regarding criminal comp. Fuck it, I'm just gonna take the bike back of this wanker.

So how are you felling after the E dura?


Well-Known Member
Hello across the pond have any of you used Growing Edge Technologies G.E.T. products? I can get them here but looking for people who have used it. Thanks and rep for any info.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't see how there could be a conviction without compensation for the damages, in this case the bike, else how has any justice been obtained? I Think that if he's on cctv and such, well, you should be able to get the money back through court without a hitch. Quite possbily more than the bike (i recall sonehting about 3x but not sure on the vailidty of it).

Cheap Basterd

Active Member
I don't see how there could be a conviction without compensation for the damages, in this case the bike, else how has any justice been obtained? I Think that if he's on cctv and such, well, you should be able to get the money back through court without a hitch. Quite possbily more than the bike (i recall sonehting about 3x but not sure on the vailidty of it).
Thanks man.

I'm going to speak to a solicitir tomorrow and see what the deal is.


Well-Known Member
ive just popped 4 amatryptiline so now ahm gonna veg in front of the tv......and wank all night. i fuckin love babestation.


Well-Known Member
ive just popped 4 amatryptiline so now ahm gonna veg in front of the tv......and wank all night. i fuckin love babestation.

amatryptiline lol leave ya tired in the morning thats bout it! do love babestation myself tho carnt knock ya for that lol


Well-Known Member
Valium has kicked in now, Got some nice jelly legs going on. Gotta love the Vals
vals vals vals lol yeah you gotta love em but they are a cunt to give up lol was hooked on benzos for yrs use to order them by the 1000s from the web always prefered lorazepam or 30mg restoril/temazepam tho valiums too weak, got proper naughty on em munching LOTS not good.


Well-Known Member
ive just popped 4 amatryptiline so now ahm gonna veg in front of the tv......and wank all night. i fuckin love babestation.
Babestation? Why the hell would you bother with tv when you can get all the dirty, nasty shit on the Net?


Well-Known Member
Alright folk's, been playin around wi this comp. Im useless wi them but gettin there! Just placed and order wi Sannies for the Extrema wi Killing Kush freebies! Was gonna go for the Blue Diesel but was steered towards the ex from cof which was good as after havin a proper look over the strains these look better for my needs, and can still get the same freebies I originaly wanted. Only thing is wi PayPal dumping them its Bankesr Draft or reddies in card! But fook it, Cash already exchanged ;>).


Yo where im from u get 1g or less for 10quid 2g or less for an 8th 4g for a quater its bullshit no one does propra weights around here no more tens should be at least 1.4 8ths at least 3g quaters should be 7g