Club 600

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
GG- looking great, looking like a great yield.

JJSP420-im not a soil grower, but looks like what DST had said, a hot batch of soil....not temp hot, but high in nutes. where did you get the strain?

Im officially at war with the mites now, first wave of the offensive strike is underway. wish me luck.


Active Member
the strain came from a local grower, in this case do you recomend flushing soil? it is still pretty wet from yesterday

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
the strain came from a local grower, in this case do you recomend flushing soil? it is still pretty wet from yesterday
I wouldn't flush them, just give them water for the next few drinks. It looks like a little bit of transplant shock, nothing major by any means.

GG, Wally, nice work guys. Wally, for your first grow, it looks great, when you gonna' flip them to 12/12?

Lizzard man, you are venturing into the danger zone with those temps. I personally think heat stress is the number one factor in a plant going hermie. That's just my opinion. Beside that, high temps for an extended period of time just has negative effects on your plants.


Well-Known Member
How long would it take from plopping seeds in water, or a towel, or whatever you do... till they will be ready to go in the setup. Or in other words how far before my predicted harvest should I germ, so that the new plants are ready to go in? They basically just need about 3 inches of roots.
The seed should go strait into the system. Use Plain water as dilutes the enzymes that KEEPS the seed from sprouting.


Well-Known Member
Lizzard man, you are venturing into the danger zone with those temps. I personally think heat stress is the number one factor in a plant going hermie. That's just my opinion. Beside that, high temps for an extended period of time just has negative effects on your plants
Some studys show 87º is perfect. Thats why Im not freaking out. BUT I want to close the tent up and forget about it.

I use beans I breed or some "suggested" seed from friends or here at RIU.
like he said clone the best cull the rest.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
One of sannies ladies at day 57 of 12/12 who is a k o kush x skubba feminized cross. Nice stucture and bud developement in a short time, but not quite ready yet.

sannie hopes to be able to accept credit cards again within 2 weeks.



Well-Known Member
One of sannies ladies at day 57 of 12/12 who is a k o kush x skubba feminized cross. Nice stucture and bud developement in a short time, but not quite ready yet.

sannie hopes to be able to accept credit cards again within 2 weeks.

Hey cof, nice looking girl. My one Jackhammer has been flowering for 7 days now and another two have been vegging for 2 weeks, were topped today and will go in in another week or two. I'm waiting to see sex but I'm wondering because it's a strong Haze with a long flowering time, if it will also take longer to show sex? Also, I'm getting ready to order some seeds from Sannies probably next week, and I'm looking for a strong Indica with a short flower to offset the harvest and add some variety. Something you might suggest. I was just thinking of grabbing his Indica mix.

2010-12-08 10.12.57.jpg2010-12-08 10.13.29.jpg2010-12-08 10.13.07.jpg

Oh and while I'm here, I'd like to show off my revegged bagseed clone at day 45. Please forgive the shots guys, I'm stuck with my camera phone while my Canon's away.

2010-12-08 10.02.29.jpg2010-12-08 09.56.18.jpg2010-12-08 09.55.09.jpg2010-12-08 09.59.20.jpg2010-12-08 09.57.12.jpg

Cheeers 600! Duchie:peace:


Well-Known Member
I use both, i buy named seeds and use bag seeds too
I have never had the luxury of brand name seeds.

I believe in breeding a better plant, so soon as I get a hold of an El nino, or a widow(greenhouse) its getting crossed
with some BC Strains like god bud and da purps.
Then those F1's will get crossed with my seed stock.
Then I give them away to some nice people.
Grow some smoke some.

One day.


Well-Known Member
So..for those of you who live in and frequent the Dam.....can you walk in and buy a 1/4oz and leave...or do you get it a gram at a time and you're not allowed to leave with's it all work??????