when tripping at home how do you like your atmosphere to be


New Member
?? well for me i like it to be slightly warmer than room temp tingles the skin with the accompanying euphoricness

dark dark dark! has to be dark

favorite music, if im not digging what other people play i get all stressed out. weird but it has to be music i like to trip right

chill friends, not a lot of commotion or fighting around. chill...

if any lights have to be on they almost have to be dim! tv is to bright

must have food, boy do i get hungry! except methylone is the only drug Ive done where i didn't get hungry once.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I like to just let things happen and then ride it out....to me thats the whole point of a trip...the unknown factor :)


Well-Known Member
Word... make sure bass is up and I just chill in my man cave. I dont like being in complete dark, so I have my computer, TV on, some christmas lights etc.

Big jar of bud always... Oh and a super old but way comfortable recliner chair. Fucking heaven bros let me tell you :D


Well-Known Member
I have a shadow dancer dvd a buddy gave to me. It has the figurines of some pretty hot chicks dancing with some really trippy backgrounds.

They were a lot better than this but to give you an idea.



Undercover Mod
I thought something was hiding in my kitchen, waiting to attack me. So I had to turn the lights on cause nothing can hide in light.


Active Member
last time i tripped, i got in the elevator to my apartment and everytime the elevator doors would open everything looked exactly the same like i hadnt gone anywhere, it took me like 3 hours to find my actual apartment, i swore that elevator was broken and not working, i reckon i went to every floor in an attempt to locate mine. the following day i realised that each floors lobby was the same layout.


Active Member
LMFAO @ chrono that is sum funny shit I can see that happening you must have been
tripping SAC!!
i was tripping hard, we were actually tripping on microdots, havent seen any around for a long time, still dont know exactly wtf they were, it was like concerntrated LSD, they were tiny little things, looked like a flint out of a lighter, was a bitch to go halves in, trying to cut it with a razor blade, but wow, half a microdot and youd be peaking hardcore on the brink of several hallucinations for over 12 hours........


Active Member
Huh I got some "microdots" from some asshole at a show they called en
blue microbarrels........ They were about the size and shape of a flint but they sure
as hell were NOT a physcedelic....Fukn lot scamers, anyways I think they were
like fish food or something... Stupid micrdots


Active Member
well, i cant speak for your experience with microdots but mine was awesome, we used to score 1 dot for $25, the dude we got them from was an indian guy, a friend from school, his sister and her boyfriend had them and they were the shit, soooo much more intense and psyhcedelic then paper trips. the good old days make me smile :bigjoint::leaf:


Active Member
I thought something was hiding in my kitchen, waiting to attack me. So I had to turn the lights on cause nothing can hide in light.
hahah this is an awesome quote had that happen but thought something was in the fridge like sort of like requiem for a dream except it was the voice of the cookie monster telling me to give back the cookies i stole from him.... crazy shit.. ;)

grow space

Well-Known Member
I like to put on many candles and but on my fav music....also i like when my 2 cast are also around, they seem being on the same level as me when i trip....

someone else

Active Member
I like to be involved in pressure-filled situations where I have to react quickly or something bad will happen while I'm tripping....hehe...:-)