600W DWC Closet Grow

got calmag, will be flushing them tonight and on the last flush sequence, i'll add half strength nutes and cal mag. gonna be PHing my water to 5.9 this time tho, as the guy at my hydro shop said 6.5 was so high for my water considering my soil is probably already at 6.7. He thinks my problem is simply nute lockout due to high ph. i really really hope that this is the problem.
in case anybody gives a shit, the plants are actually looking pretty nice. I think i fixed the ph problem and they seem to be doing good. I got some good trichome/pistil development going on. I will probably only post pix one more time before I harvest, since i'm rather busy these days and it takes a while for me. peace, RIU!


Active Member
in case anybody gives a shit, the plants are actually looking pretty nice. I think i fixed the ph problem and they seem to be doing good. I got some good trichome/pistil development going on. I will probably only post pix one more time before I harvest, since i'm rather busy these days and it takes a while for me. peace, RIU!
Where you been??? Have you seen my grow latley??? Smellin all dank!!!
I know I kinda said fuck it to this thread, but I got a plant that's ready to harvest in a few days, and the others all are looking nice. Should be done by about december 15-20ish. If any one is interested in seeing some pics let me know, otherwise, FUCK IT! PEACE!
Alright so I finally snapped some new photos of the girls. Here's a group shot.


Shiva Skunk#1 (sorry they're sideways)

My two Hawaiians. I noticed the leaves are turning purple. Is this a characteristic of this strain? Anybody know? I'm not too worried about it since both are doing it and none of the other plants are.


Harvest of my runt/puny ass White Rhino x Grapefruit. I quick dried some using the microwave steaming method. How much is on this you think? I already cut two branches off of it. Gets me high as hell so I'm not complaining. It started selfing about 3 weeks ago and was spouting bananas. I wanted to get it out before it started producing a ton of seeds and it actually appeared to be somewhat ready anyway.

I read that if a plant that is "selfing" produces any seeds then they are guaranteed to be female. Anybody have any more information on this? There's a couple of seeds on it that already started to notice. Thanks


Sorry I only took pictures of the two hawaiians and my shiva skunk. I flushed the other 3 yesterday and those 3 tonight. Didn't feel like lugging the others out again to take pictures.




Active Member
Them tops turned out fucking sweet!!!:weed:
They all look great man!!! My boy told me my plant is a 10-12 week bloom strain. 8 full weeks and the crystals are clear as glass.
thanks man. i actually checked my trichs tonight too and they are also clear as glass. i really don't wanna chop these early but they will have to go unattended for 14 days. i'm thinking about watering the hell out of them and then leaving them alone in the dark for that last two weeks. i think they would survive, but i don't know what would happen if they didn't have light for 2 weeks and just sat there at the end of flower. any input?


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for those plants. Budding them as babies. You could have got another foot or two with that light.

oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
i have actually (thought about it that is). do you have any experience with them or a similiar product? work good?
Was just wondering if you had looked at them really. Saw the infomercials and saw other people mention trying them on here.

To bad you're not doing hydro, there is a thread on here telling you how to go away for a long time and keep up with feedings and not worry about topping of the res.