What is your favorite slang term for the Great Green Goddess of Get High??


Well-Known Member

idk y, but its been sticking w my group for a while. So many people ask us y its not greens and we honestly have no answer. So many high times of "yo what you wana do? idk lets get some browns and cruise town. you wana browns town? yea im down, who we gunna cop the browns from?"....we only smk the finest so it doesnt even suite the bud lol.


Well-Known Member
ganga is this amazing indian restaurant chain in korea..i fucking love indian food

i like tree, budda, bud


New Member
weed. LOL simple. i dont like all them fancy terms like dank and chronic and what not. though i do say dank occasionally


Well-Known Member
I've just been calling it smoke lately. It's the only thing I smoke and it doesn't turn so many heads when you say it.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lolll heroin

i forgot about lye...i used to call it lye a lot back in ny but since i dont speak english over here i guess i forgot about it


Well-Known Member
At least your not saying "Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol" like:

Hey dude, wanna go smoke some Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol,
Sure, I'll smoke some Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol with you...lol

nothing wrong with a classic