Im back! PC Growcase Project #1


Active Member
Well, Im back.. Got raided and everything went downhill so I opt out. Time passed and decided to start growing shrooms, also did very well and now have great memories.. but still want to come back to my root OK.. now back to the point i decided to go pure stealth.

I was on Ebay and started looking at those plug-and-play pc grow cases. They were awesome, guess what for $600 they can stick it up your ass! Fuck head rip offs.

Went to a Home Depot and bought supply's similar to to their's. Yeah... so far i have spent $55-$65 on my setup. I'm sure i'm missing a couple things and maybe you guys can me some insight.

So, year all opinions are welcomed and hope to hear from you soon

Here is the setup. :)

If I'm allowed on this forum to post updates, Ill make it a grow log. bongsmilie :sleep::fire::fire::fire::fire::?::?::?::smile:


Active Member
Yeah dude, you did a great job Doing it yourself. I hate how much these companies try to rip you off sometimes. Not because it's bad for us. It's bad for the owners of the retailers. Stuck with these overly priced products. Mostly the plastics and lights. It's hard for stores to move these things sometimes. I have two DIY threads that involve going to store besides the hydroshop for building things. But what i really want to do next is make a diy shopping guide for hydroshops. Like a list of what to buy from the hydro shop to make a nice system for less than $100.

Edit: as for suggestions for the box. Buy a fan guard or build a screen and cover the fans with a carbon cloth. something to filter the smell and light out. Homedepot carbostat. Its linked somewhere in my DIY Carbon Filter Thread


Active Member
Looks like a nice setup. Id make sure you put magnets on the back of that powerstrip so you can raise and lower the lights. I paid for mine but thats because im horrible at building things and also because im lazy as fuck. I did a shitload of research before i got it, if someone wants cfls then is the best deal for a 26"tall tower. I would definately be interested if you come up with a guide to DIY a supercloset or a closet tent setup.


Active Member
Thank! Took awhile, but am very happy!

Defenitly, i alredy had that in mind and was going to pick some up at Home Depot. im going to check out your DIY. Also, I was planning on doing LST which Ill be reaserching it tomorrow. I was thinking instead of doing auto flower, doing medium Sativa sinch it grow shorter than Indica.. or stick to Rud.

I alwys did soil, but would like to tryinng hydro but afrai of fucking everythig up since i have exp with soil.


Active Member
I originally got busted by my Mother after getting supper bared out and then being taking to hospital for OD'ing.. She somehow had the keys to my apt and saw my closet grow op... BUMMER!! Look at my pic's youll see it, i never posted pics of the buds.. :( but ohh.. were they gorgeous.

I use Velcro, Its been very convinent. I, also use a powerstrip.


Active Member
Soil, but technically "Soil-less". Use coco. Advanced Nutrients is coco coir safe. I see that logo all over their ads. Check to make sure. As for hydro, i don't know what type of system you were thinking of putting in there? DWC buckets? Like super small shallow ones? Your best bet is to use a fabric pot and have the roots air prune themselves. You can fold the root pots in half so that they are shallower and you will have more room for plants above the pots.


Active Member
Ill def check up on that. Iv never one hydro and why you ssy coco (coco-coir) for roots grow in nd feed it AI. When i say Hydro I mean by getting a reservoir putting ir stone and pump> you know the whole 9... on stones... Seems cool, but i have no knowledge.


Active Member
I basically categorize the different types of hydroponic systems into either
1. The movement of water
2. The movement of Air through Water
3 The movement of water through air

1 being NFT, Drip, EBB Flo
2. being DWC
3. Sprayers, Aeroponics, Mistoponics, w/e

some people are doing some sick mini DWC on here right now. you should check out the DWC section. But due to space restriction and experience, you might want to go with fabric pots and cocofiber, its got a lot of the benefits of hydro, but the ease of soil. Actually I'm working on puting together a hydro system with coco and fabric pots.


Active Member
Yeah, I know it says mostly indica, but if anyone who knows anything the legend, its originally a sativa dominant strain. Have no idea what happened along the line, but i mentioned that earlier. I don't know where else you are going to find your squatty sativa, but the seedfinder has everything listed. Goodluck


Active Member
We have close to the same setup. I'm growing 2 ladies in a 26.5" H PC case. I'm using 4 2300k for flower and 4 6300k for veg(Or whatever, I forget , Get off my back) Ona block pro, and regular ona block (Theyre gonna stink =p) considering a carbon filter but I dont think 2 plants are worth it. 3 pc fans, 2 out take and 1 in take.
Hydroponic system for 2 plants.. rockwool cubes, scrog net, I know im missing a bunch of things but i've put alot of works into it and can't wait to post a few pics. It looks awesome. I also put a Lock and Key on the outside of it. Come monday or tuesday ill start up a grow journal. oh and aqua vega nutes A & B


Active Member
Thanks. I have knowledge on soil, but not hydro. Is it much harder? will it toast my plants with one little bubu?