Topping your plants

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
My plant was about 2ft tall and I decided to cut the top off hoping it would grow two more. Well its been about a weed and a half and it hasn't done nothing at all. What did I do wrong?

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Well I checked out the link but I still don't know what I did wrong. I don't really think I cut the top off to late. It was only about 2 months old when I did it and now its been a while and nothing has happened to where I cut it at. I got five smaller plants and I cut the top off one of those to see if it does better being a younger plant and all. Its still to earily to tell if it works or not. I wish I had some pictures so if anybody got any then let me know. Thanks and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
it takes awhile. just relax. let it grow. it went thru a little shock when you cut off it's head. it will work. i top and trim and bend and cut all the way into the 2nd week of flower. be patient young grasshopper.


Well-Known Member
The apical (top) shoot produces the majority of the hormone that encourages upward growth. This hormone also inhibits lateral growth, so that once the top is removed, the plant bushes out more. If you just wait for a new top to take over then she'll start heading for the sun again! Panic not
Also, what's this FIM method I heard mentioned somewhere? Anyone know?


Active Member
To my knowledge fimming is the same as topping you just cut it differently or in a different place or something and instead of having two top branches (like with topping) you could end up with sometimes as many as 8 ....... but I can't figure out where to cut it to make it do that so... Hope that helps.


New Member
To get many tops you just keep topping the new split top after new growth occurs and it causes it to keep splitting into many tops say you topped your plant now there are two tops take the two tops and cut them off again and now there are 4 tops if done again to all the four tops there will be 8 and so on this does stress your plants and can cause bad results with some plants where others will bloom as if there is no change. It is all in genetics. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
i fimmed some plants years ago on accident. now it's all the rage. basically instead of making a clean cut on the main stalk and removing an actual set of leaves, fimming you dig down into the cluster of new growth on top and trim it there. i've actually used cross cutting with a razor blade. i cut a shallow x thru the top of the new growth. numerous new tops grow out.


when i chop my girls head off, the very next branches down, took over as colas, from 2-4 of them, when i chop mine's heads off i usually get 4 branches that take over as colas, they turn the purple hue of this strain's cola's colors and start growing upward and eventually start their own branches. hope that helps at all.


Well-Known Member
WHOA Please don't explain FIM if you don't understand it. Mogie posted a site that explains it. If you look at the pictures you will help youurself out immensly. The idea with FIM isn't to cut the top of the plant off. Rather you take some of the very top off not all. You leave some. Please before you give this kind of advice check the method. I printed them out and have them posted in my grow room. DOne properly the author suggest you can end up with as many as eight new colas from that one cut not from multiple cuts. The difference in stress to your plant would be enormous. I have a widow with 4 developing colas, and I didn't do the FIM properly. Next time I will though.
Hoiw long had you been flowering this plant?
sorry fdd i just reread your post. sounds like you have it right.


Well-Known Member
yes I was asking you blazed. I would suggest you find Mogies post about FIM and get started with it fairly soon if you decide that method is what you want to try.