Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Big P

Well-Known Member
DONT TOUCH MY JUNK BRO! Video gone viral!!!



Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
DONT TOUCH MY JUNK BRO! Video gone viral!!!
That is some serious bull shit about the TSA wanting to fine him $10,000 for choosing, "screw this I am not flying".
Anyone who buys an airline ticket has the right to decide not to fly for any reason. He didn't like the screening and decided he wanted to leave...They say he has to be full screened before he can leave AND NOT GET CLOSE TO THE PLANE?!?!
That is bullshit. Are they going to consider people who buy tickets and don't show up as security risks?
I never liked flying before 911 due to the hassles. Now unless it involves crossing an ocean, I am driving, taking a bus, or renting an RV and actually see the country instead of flying over it.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i have a SERIOUS problem with airport security. the sentiment over here in asia is they HATE flying into the US. i can't imagine what it must be like for middle easterners...god damn. flying into the US is a mind fuck, you feel like you're in the soviet union or nazi germany (before anybody comes blasting full force in my face with their PC bullshit, i wasn't saying the holocaust or the millions of people killed in the gulags are a joke or trivial). and the TSA logo just scares me

just came across this...

jersey shore = macaroni assholes


Big P

Well-Known Member
yea check this out, this is what they want your wife and daughter to do, and they promise they wont save the pics:

its either that or they will have to grab her titties

or pay them $10,000 fine



Well-Known Member
yeah...i remember seeing those pics and the scan pics inverted (i dont know the term) shows everything very clearly. TSA workers are a joke too..you have a bunch of fools who will be checkin your ass out naked or groping you. c'mon son.

but the girl on the bottom is hot.

they already saved pictures of the indian actor sharukh khan and printed the inverted images out and spread them around with other tsa workers. this was when they FIRST came out with the machines..who the fuck really thinks this shit is for security??? fucking people are so stupid, sleep walking to the fucking furnaces.

one day, a terrorist will kill someone with a hidden homemade gun out of his anal orifice. then legislation will pass that every american must have their anuses stitched closed to stop terrorism and for the security of the homeland. and these fucknig imbeciles will run in line to get their sphinctors stitched together but its okay because they'll give free flu vaccinations while waiting in line!!

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I vaguely remember reading something about those scanner pictures and it debunked them as fraudulent. I cannot verify the accuracy of that though.

Big P

Well-Known Member
are you guys talkin about the "scan" "scan-dal" :get it! "scan-dal" gigiddy gigiddy goo

here's mr khan in all his nasty man glory



Well-Known Member
Penis tattoo charge upgraded to grievous bodily harm

Felicity Caldwell

November 15, 2010

Charges against a man accused of tattooing a lewd image on an Ipswich man's back have been upgraded.
Matthew Francis Brady, 21, appeared in Ipswich Magistrates Court today accused of tattooing a 40cm-long image of a penis and a crude slogan on a mate's back.
Brady had allegedly talked the 25-year-old man into getting a Yin and Yang symbol with some dragons but the end result was far from what the man wanted.
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Police dropped a charge of assault occasioning bodily harm yesterday and replaced it with a charge of grievous bodily harm.
Read more at The Queensland Times



Active Member
whats even better is how all of the complaints start

"i think she is..."

"she looks like she is...."

"i dont think she is...."

Speculation ≠ actual age
I think she needs a load on her face and anyone who would deny her that has to have their pulse checked...unless your into other things..."not that there's anything wrong with that"


Well-Known Member

hahahaha thats exactly the same shit i would have done. and to think i thought it was going to be another sorry pussy video. Good video man.