Can i use miracle grow?


Active Member
If not what are the best and cheapest to use that I can find at the local lowes or whatever? :leaf:


New Member
sure you can... its not the best... and can be hot for the plants at first... just be vigil with it and remember to flush for the last 2 full weeks


Active Member
This days... hydros stores are everywhere... look for a hydro in your area, Miracle Grow is the same price as "Fox Farm Original" around 13, 14 bucks.

Chelseys Man

Active Member
I have used miracle grow in the past......... Worked fine. Actully it was some really good smoke. The soil is not the best of course but if younhave limited money or limited resources go for it. I'm useing miracle grow now just cuz I was low on cash and a great price :/

Chelseys Man

Active Member
Organic choose sucks soosoooo bad. I did that and buy the 3rd week it was still a seedling. Added alittle fert and it was fine but still. I had a bad bad time with MG organic. Looks like just dirt from the back yard. No perlite or really anything
I wouldn't recommend mg unless you have some experience...I went into a local hydro store and got some cheap stuff that works great. It is for tomatoes but from what I have read they like very similar conditions


Well-Known Member
um that is the point of using organic choice it has very little MG nutes so you can add your own nutes;-) while at the same time not frying seedlings with hot soil

Chelseys Man

Active Member
Yeah guess your right. But at the time I did not know that. I would just say use it. Not the best don't forget that but it will grow


Active Member
MG works, no doubt about it, but the dosage needs to be like 1/8 to 1/4 of recommended, otherwise you'll burn 'em for sure. That goes for garden plants too, not just weed. Don't buy into the "you have to have brand-whatever fertilizer or you'll kill your plants and get shitty bud" the plant's don't care, it's all the same chemicals to them. Don't forget to add a little Epsom salts every now and then too. It contains magnesium which is vital for the production of chlorophyll. The more chlorophyll, the more energy, the more food, the more plant, the more bud.


ya i got a couple DP skunk1's growing in original MG potting mix. they were doing really good while vegging but it wasnt until they starting flowering is when they started showing signs of N toxicity, just slightly though. but i still just dnt like the idea of growing with pre fertalized soil

Brick Top

New Member
I wouldn't recommend mg unless you have some experience...I went into a local hydro store and got some cheap stuff that works great. It is for tomatoes but from what I have read they like very similar conditions

That is why if someone is going to use Miracle Grow fertilizer they should use the Tomato Formula for the vegetative growth phase and Bloom Booster for the flowering phase. At least they are somewhat more like what cannabis plants need during the different phases of growth than the regular Miracle Grow.

I would use just about anything before I would use Miracle Grow but if someone is cautious and knows how to read their plants it can be used and you can have decent results. It is just somewhat unforgiving, a tad bit harsh, what seems like a small mistake can turn into a major one.


New Member
This days... hydros stores are everywhere... look for a hydro in your area, Miracle Grow is the same price as "Fox Farm Original" around 13, 14 bucks.

liol miracle grow is 5 bux or less for a big ass bag of it............... comes in a blue crystaline granuels

fox farm is much better tho.. and there is betetr then fox farm even...... fox farm i think is something like 75% organic.. maybe it even was 85%


New Member
That is why if someone is going to use Miracle Grow fertilizer they should use the Tomato Formula for the vegetative growth phase and Bloom Booster for the flowering phase. At least they are somewhat more like what cannabis plants need during the different phases of growth than the regular Miracle Grow.

I would use just about anything before I would use Miracle Grow but if someone is cautious and knows how to read their plants it can be used and you can have decent results. It is just somewhat unforgiving, a tad bit harsh, what seems like a small mistake can turn into a major one.
the op wont have any issues useing 15-30-15 threw all stages of growing... just remeber to start off at a low dose and very slowly work ur way up.... flush for the last 2-3 weeks also


I was wondering about using mg organic soil too as my budget is kinda low right now. I was thinking about doing a mix with mg organic, peat moss, mushroom compost, pearlite and vermiculite (all available at my local home depot). Does anyone know if this is a good idea and if so what ratios for each ingredient should i use?