Well-Known Member
The pics are from just a few mins ago. KK is still looking great but i'm totally worried after finding the spider mites yesterday. I washed her down like crazy when I found them so now it's just a matter of monitoring the situation. I through some pest strips in there to try and help as well. I also bought a 20" box fan and have it blasting cool air from the house directly over the plants and light (which is still dimmed to 600watts). I think I may have put the 2 young WW's under the HID too soon. There is some yellowing and curling on the leaves and I'm quite sure it's heat stress. Thats why I have that fan blowing in there now and it's definately making it cooler under that light now. The bluberry gum sprouted and I put her in soil today. She will be under a cfl untill She gets bigger.