Balls to the Wall grow, Riddleme Gets Serious

Beautiful plants. Can't wait to see what the total yield is per plant. Do you feel that the buds are as dense as other grows under non-cmh. Again, lovin the results.
How fitting that around Halloween you have Monster Buds.


Well-Known Member
well i just did some catching up ..... WOW , how theyve grown :D all i could do was smile and think about how much i love seein all the stuff uv taught in action and working wonders ! GO RM u the man im gna be selling container loads of ur books to the uk market !
Thank you very much, glad to see ya back

Beautiful plants. Can't wait to see what the total yield is per plant. Do you feel that the buds are as dense as other grows under non-cmh. Again, lovin the results.
How fitting that around Halloween you have Monster Buds.
Yeah I never concern myself with yields till I wiegh em :) but I would say at least a pound for sure off 4 plants/ 800 watts, so not bad
and they are very dense :hump: some have 2 strings to hold em up


Well-Known Member
I'm curious as to how many readin this are hip to coffee bean grinders? was thinkin about doing a ditty on em :)


Well-Known Member
this is the best thing (toy) a grower can own IMO as they only cost $10 at wal-mart :)
as a grower we get to smoke the very best of the best and we get to experiment with ways to make it even better.

I'm talking about kief here, nothing but trichs, the taste and high are far superior to just about anything (for the time & cost) me and my friends call it farie dust :) it's all I smoke and I enjoy making what I call salads with it by adding different strains, I have put many a smoker on the floor with my salads :hump:

the concept is that trichs are negative charged, or contain a negatively charged ion (does't matter) and as a result they cling (stick) to the plastic lid of the grinder, the beauty as I see it is it happens everytime and it is the shit !!!

Very easy to do simply put a bud or two in the grinder and run it for 30 seconds to a minute, as you can see in the pics the trichs stick to the lid,,,,bam now your smokin almost pure trichs (98~99%)

now I take the stuff that doesn't stick and simply put it in a jar (as it still continues to cure) and I generally give grams of this away to my patients and yes it still gets you high and smokes and tastes great even though I have removed some of the trichs (to me it is not fair to charge for it) and I call it grinder hash :)

The trichs do actually stick to the lid so ya gotta scrap em out but it only takes 3 minutes tops to have some mighty fine smoke so I'll let the pics tell the rest of the story and if you don't already know about this neat little trick,,,,,trust me you want a coffee bean grinder!!!!



Active Member
That is fucking awesome. I am so going to wal-mart tomorrow. Thanks riddle, you come thru again my friend :)

Let me see if it will let me give you +REP again yet or! :)




Well-Known Member
i had a erb grinder i bought in canada a mj specific grinder...i found that if u lighty breathe in the inside of the lid (as u would if u wur clean a pair of shades or cd) it cakes up a hell of alot more keif than if u run it me try it!


Well-Known Member
ok, so you use the grinder to chop up the buds rather than break them up by hand, right? Now I know why you said once that everyone should have a grinder


I'll be watching... your grows are fabolous. really want to see what your yield is like in those 5gl. they look beautiful. how do i subscribe? sorry im a noob. that grider is going to be a hit as xmas gifts. thanks that is brilliant. cant wait till lunch time 2marrow Hello Walmart. LMFAO.
Riddleme. You may have mentioned this, but I don't recall seeing it anywhere. How much of the Peter's 20-10-20 are you currently adding. Or if you have started the "drowning" how much did you use on the last feed?


Well-Known Member
Riddleme. You may have mentioned this, but I don't recall seeing it anywhere. How much of the Peter's 20-10-20 are you currently adding. Or if you have started the "drowning" how much did you use on the last feed?
drowning will not start untill after week 8 is over :) as for feeding, I am currently making it rain then add 1 gallon of water that has 1 teaspoon of the 20-10-20 then I wait a day and add another gallon of water mixed the same,,,this last feeding I added 2 tablespoons of a molasses tea (1 jar of grandma's to 1 quart of water) to the 2nd gallon


Well-Known Member
Here's my drowning. Its at 5 days & color is fading as it lives of leaves on the left. Seeing some Nanners showing up so I'll harvest later today. Couple weeks and I'll have a smoke report. Thanks for the wisdom.:-P Getting a new coffee grinder today too. I have a grinder with screen too.
11-1 Twins Full 2.jpg11-1 Jenna close 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
well i finnaly found it but i had this one loved it!!!! moved from canada to the states and couldnt clean it well enough so i had to give it away :( best grinder ever hands down!

kids would literraly call me up and drive over just wanting to put there bud through this!