Show me your CFL Grows!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man, here mine in brwif, just started to flower at weekend so a week and we see some buds start to devolpe....ah

DSC00069.jpgDSC00056.jpgo this last pic was in the moring before a good drink,, hence the wilt.....


Well-Known Member
wowo. good for you im sure u wasted six months on that one too. anyone in the "know " knows that is a terrible harvest of wispy harsh buds.
i just think its funny that u would waste yer time , and for yer info , it come down to lumens per watt. I f u dont care about quality or quantity then by all means keep using CFL. believe me if i thought LED worked i would be the first one to shout it out to the sky. but u see i avg .72-1.05(lucky run)lumens per wat. so you do the math. those plants look like shit. anyplant under an OZ is waste of energy. sorry IMO. i dont use CFL because they do not produce big dense buds . if u are in it for fun then go for it. but don act like u re-invented the wheel because u got less then an ounce a plant with CFL.
IF U GOT 2OZ a plant then toot yer horn . cheers and happy growing.

I think your wrong about the buds, mine are looking great in the grow box, and time will tell with the other in the cupboard under the bigger cfl. But I think you are missing the point with cfl's. CFL's are specifcally desgin(plug and Grow 250watt) to grow plants indoors ,in smaller spaces where height,heat,cost of bulb and simpleness of wiring/use and overall costs are need to be kept to a minium.
I.E. stealth L.E.D's are called such beacuse when you look at your bill it dosnt show up in a high leccie bill. they are not just for hobbie grows,for fun,we all grow and want to get the most for what we put in hobbie or job,,, and for space to bud ratio lets see anyone(yes a challange is set,) grow in a space 58cmx40cm, I have 3 metres height but I trying to keep them short,so say 1m, in a 2 bedroom flat insulated walls,on middle floor,, and do it for as little cost, easy and effeciveness as with a cfl. Im not saying you are wrong about getting more Im just saying there is a need for bulds such as cfls,,I have a freind who has been growimg at them same time and all he seems to do is complain about his lights and when he saw my cfl he thought it was great and was shocked when I said they were 19days old.....After weeks2.jpgHere. and I had to trim leafs due to my igronace with fert.
And this bud has had to be topped in flower!!took 2 inches,bad call, cause it was grwowing into and onto the light, I left in veg to long,,,anyhow it is sunk1 27 days into flower in my bud box....I thank TOPMAX, by bio-bizz, for that though..not the cfl,.....
2010_1020andleaves0008.jpgAnyhow Im not starting an agruement just saying why cfls are there and people use them, so they are not wasting there time.
Take it easy and happy grow...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
My current grow. Home made CFL cab with Northern Lights feminized from Nirvana.

Showing a few pics of my box, and one of the seeds just started showing through the surface so almost out of the woods.





Well-Known Member
these cfl grows look a little on the shy side of bud? are you not letting them get big because of space? does it take longer to flower plants with cfl than hps? if so how much longer and can you start flowering 3 ft plants with cfl? thanks i spend to much on electric.


Well-Known Member
well the theory is that if u flower them a little earlier u get more dense buds becuase of the 'weak' cfls...alot of ppl do it becuase of limited space but i have the space for a 3ft tree...i choose to keep them around 1ft becuase u get more dense buds thereofore bigger yeild...if i vege a 3-4 maybe6ft tree under cfls then flower it id get airy spaced out small buds...if u keep it close and at a decent size u get a bigger yeild like 2-3 ounces of a 1 1/2 foot tree as aposed to a 6ft tree yeildin an airy/fluffy 1-2ounces


Well-Known Member
nice grow piff if that was a real plant how much do you think it will yeild? i pay tooooooo much for hps about 200 a month for a 1000 watt hps i need to do something or ill have to grow outside in the summer. illegaly. i have my card. can i use my big room for hps to switch to cfl only or do i need to make my area smaller for budding? thanks piff


Well-Known Member
thanks rastared it makes sense to me i think i will give it a shot this spring when i start my room up again the more light the better the flowering right?


Well-Known Member
ive gotten better results by spreading my cfls around...not just one big one on the top...i hang mine around my plant so the whole plant share the lights...and i get better results ..u cut down on popcorn nuggs and the colas get fatter..if u try and grow them too big it just doenst pay off unless u can get alottt of cfls and put them over everyinch of the tree...which is besides the point of using the cfls..i had a ttree not even a foot tall that gave me an ounce dry...and i lost alot of weight to a def. and the fact that my room wasnt dialed in right...but with a mother and some clones u can utilize the cfls at the maximum! besides all the skeptics u get some really nice buds if grown properly under the cfls


Well-Known Member
ive gotten better results by spreading my cfls around...not just one big one on the top...i hang mine around my plant so the whole plant share the lights...and i get better results ..u cut down on popcorn nuggs and the colas get fatter..if u try and grow them too big it just doenst pay off unless u can get alottt of cfls and put them over everyinch of the tree...which is besides the point of using the cfls..i had a ttree not even a foot tall that gave me an ounce dry...and i lost alot of weight to a def. and the fact that my room wasnt dialed in right...but with a mother and some clones u can utilize the cfls at the maximum! besides all the skeptics u get some really nice buds if grown properly under the cfls
I agree, I grew my first girl out to 3.5 feet and she harvested just about as much as my 2 foot girl with half the veg time! Keep em small and fat and you will be happy :)


Well-Known Member
I used CFLs for veg and added HPS for flowering. mine is less than a foot tall but has just as many nodes as a plant twice its size. Check my sig if you don't believe me:) rastared is right about CFLs. The beauty of them is that you can run a million of them and get light exactly where you want it. One big one kind of defeats this purpose. Great grow btw.


Well-Known Member
last look day before flower start..jpgheres last week, before I started the flowering, they alot taller now, I try get snap up. also my buds on the one in my box are half way threw bud and looking good. Cfl's do produce nice buds, cfl's rule///


New Member
-6 months exactly..
-200w CFL 75% blue/ 25% red in veg and 75% red/ 25% blue in bloom
-Nutrients used: MiracleGrow Tomato, B'cuzz grow+bloom additives, Brier Rabbit Molasses(1 bottle lasted the whole 6 months).
-Medium: MG Organic, basic soil, blood meal/ fish stuff< hahahaa:dunce:

-4+0z. yield dry
Bud is amazing, very robust clean flavors, trichomes blanket top and bottoms of sugar leaves.