Lowering Humidity


Well-Known Member
Since I'm using a grow tent I'm thinking about tossing in some DampRid (see photo) it absorbs moisture, anyone else have any experience lowering humidity without using a dehumidifier. I will more than likely pick one up just looking for something in the mean time.



Well-Known Member
Since I'm using a grow tent I'm thinking about tossing in some DampRid (see photo) it absorbs moisture, anyone else have any experience lowering humidity without using a dehumidifier. I will more than likely pick one up just looking for something in the mean time.

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hi there weedler, fan heater on low settin might work (dry heat).... hope it helps..

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
what are you concidering to high of humidity and what styage of growth. we want it a bit high in veg but njot later in flower.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
only low half way in bloom. i dont at the beginning. the humidity effects the stomata and if its off they cant transpire and this slows photosynthisus....means its slows growth
i like 55 or higher in veg, even to 70%. clones want high as you can get it, i hit 100% for cuts. and i do the 30 to 40% half way into bloom.


Well-Known Member
Right now I am at 45% humidity. It has slowly increased over the entire grow

I live on the water humidity is a constant issue. Cold fronts will drop humidity but not for very long.

I was curious if there were any products out there that could work for the grow room seeing as the tent pulls air from the room and exhausts it out of the room. So I was thinking dehumidifier running in the room where the tent is.

The DampRid was to perhaps leave in the bud drying box or in the tent & hang the nugs to dry out & cure prior to placing them in jars... I am always thinking ahead :D

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
A dehumidifier is used by lots of growers.
It should work for you too.
Just do your homework and pick the one that fits your grow style and schedule.
Not too sure about that DampRid.
I think they will give off a smell into the buds if too close.
A plain cardboard box and a couple of brown paper bags work effectively and effeciently.


Well-Known Member
Good call on the smell I don't want that! I will look into the dehumidifiers I am more concerned at harvest and when they are drying!


Well-Known Member
Okay thanks, I think I'm good right now 46-47% fans cycle on / off during light off and exhaust is always running axial intake fan turns on during lights on temps always below 86 usually around 84 and 76 when lights off


Active Member
If you are using a grow tent, and want to lower humidity for good, get a good exhaust fan. Something that has at least twice as many CFM's as your tent.

I know that with my tent the Humidity was going up randomly, but when i installed my 4" inline fan (177cfm in a 60 CF tent), the humidity stabilized at about 40%...whereas before it was wavering between 40% - 70%.
oh and one more thing u should have ur temp below 80 lights on above 60 when lights off but i dont like my tepm moving too much if u knw what i mean i like my room to b 74to 76 lights on 67 64 light off

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
temps below 70 and the stomata begin to close...bad...want higher. like keep between 74 off and 80 ish light on. run your fan 24/7.


Well-Known Member
I think the damp rid may release an unwanted odor too close to the ladies... I have never inspected or purchased the product perhaps others can provide some insight?

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ive heard others use it but couldnt speek form exp. i dont cut corners on the most inmportant part of the grow ...being room conditions


Well-Known Member
Picked up a dehumidifier today only complaint is it raises the room temp from the exhaust / heat it gives off... May need to rig up another exhaust to remove the hot air out of the room so it doesn't raise temps in the tent. I have it set on low & on 45% humidity she runs cool with the fan as soon as it starts removing the water it starts putting out some heat. I think I'll be okay as soon as a good cold front hits the humidity will drop back down upwards of 55% before turning it on now a nice 45% in the tent and room itself.