Well-Known Member
I am reading up on your grow and I have to say what you write and say resonates with me - literally five minutes ago I was considering a conversation I had one and the defining difference twixt that person and I was honor and a work ethic. (I am 44 btw) I am sure at this point of your journey you are well ensconced in trimming and all the work the final haul entails, I know it well. If ever you would like help ask I would come to help for free just to support local community - it's what I do here on this side of the Vineland. Anyways I wrote to lend a voice and let you know your not alone on these opinions these views and concerns. I do take heart in the fact that for all the turns our people have taken over the milenia they have returned to center more or less after each swing of the pendulum. Take heart kindred one, the future will not be bleak. Peace.All of these pictures and time lines are done so that I can make better choices in the future about what I grow and how I grow it. Maui Skunk, Sensi Star, and Purple Kush are all now outdoor "Staple" strains for me. They also just happen to be versatile enough to be "Staple" indoor strains for me as well. I will be getting cuttings of the three of these, and the rest of the others, but primarily the three of these, over the next week to get some mothers going.... Hopefully those same cuts will find their way into the garden outside again next year. Keeping a plant vegging for a year to put outside isn't going to be the easiest thing, especially if I am going to get them out at good sizes and health, but I will do my best. I am also hoping some of the other crosses turn into "Staple" strains for me, though Widow Cindy will probably not be on that list, and maybe only one or two phenos of the NGGH, the UIL will most likely not be "Staple" for product, but rather just for the joy of growing. I plan to keep both phenos of the CCxHJ around until they have both flowered and I pick one or choose to keep both. I suspect JSxHJ will be "Staple" as she already has her foot well in the door. I would like to get some Original Chemo Cindy outside next year too, if I get a female out of the two seeds I have left that is. Jack Herer.... I just couldn't let that go, and hope to breed it later on down the road. I would like to set aside a plot somewhere, a huge plot, just to grow out the UIL, because even though I named it "Ugly Indian Landrace" It sure is a beautiful plant, and grows really really fast.... Huge.... I want a grove of UIL trees next year.
Next year the garden will be bigger, taking up more space, and having more plants. I plan to have plants where my vegetable garden is now, only double that size, and ornamental cannabis spread around for looks and aromas. This being the first year growing in this locations, the soil hasn't ever been "Farmer cycled", and will receive more conditioning over the winter (as I plan to do a winter crop outside as well as a spring one)..... If I amend the soil all the way up to spring harvest, and am ready wish fresh amendments then and another super soil mix, I think the garden will do twice as well for next years full season.
It would also be nice to have my gardens going for me and my patients, as well as get a community garden going as well. That is a lot more difficult to manage though.... so it may be a few years off. Just like the cannabis school may be a few years off, and publications of my books is a few years off.
When I look at the characteristics of the generations spread out, the 60 yr olds down to the 20 and 15 year olds, I notice that the younger the people, or for each different generation, the quality in ethical understanding and practices diminishes greatly, like the Richter scale goes up, our morals values and principals have gone down. This leads me to believe that finding people of quality character to participate in the community garden and my other projects, that would be commited and wise enough to understand the breadth of these endeavors, is going to be extremely difficult. I have tested some waters already and found that generations 25-45 are most reciprocal and honorable in actually participating productively and even with a hint of Altruism in these projects. Seems a majority of people over 45 are not open minded enough, or are too hard wired into what they are already doing to get involved (with MAJOR acceptations of course), while kids under 25 (especially with no children) simply have no sense of honor, work ethics, virtues, community, or even direction. Honestly, half the kids between 20-30 can't commit to putting their socks on, and almost all the kids under 20 you couldn't count on to breathe it seems.
I just had to get all that out ^^ it bothers me on a regular basis. These kids are carrying these traits along with them (or lack of traits), and don't seem to really be overcoming their shortfalls, unfortunately, and I think attitude and social presentation has a lot to do with it. These kids are our future, and it scares me.
This forum is for people to share thier grows right?All Dragon did was share the strugles of this years grow.Why are you guys giving him shit for it?Sounds to me like Dragon made the best of a bad times,and worked through it.What's wrong with that? And for that story about the tree work,that flew way over your heads!You missed the whole point.This world lacks alot of respect these days............Just my my opinion,thats all.
damned straight.I have to spread more rep around before I can give you more wheelerman. And yes obviously it went right over their heads. Just look at Antny420's profile..... he is all about the "skrilla" No way in hell I would pay a painter $25 an hour. Ever. Sounded like he was trying to play himself up to be better than me. If that is his game, I suppose he is better than me. But lets see if he could keep up working with me for a day.
Admittedly, writing about it did help me feel better about it, and about myself. My crew wasn't too happy about 50 bucks for 3 days of work when I explained it to them before we ever started. But they know me, they knew the deal going into it, and now they know the kind of respect and pride that I was referring to, as they are getting it and feeling it too. They got 80 anyways, and then offered to clean the guys gutters and clean his roof off before the rain came. That made me really proud of my guys. In small towns like this, word of people doing things like that spread like wildfire and gather mad respect from community leaders.
damned straight.
me;Tree climber 19 years landscaper and designer ten years and your right doing something you said you would do and going the extra mile is so rare these days it's like sighting bigfoot fly fishing. 'n dont focus on the haters that energy redirection is a waste. move on. your doing and learning that is a gift to your self that benefits others.
I must say TLD is one of a kind I have had the great opportunity to meet him in person. Anyones' life he comes into is changed one way or another and for most if they swallow their pride and listen to honest opinions with an open mind get the best knowledge and help for a man who only wants a smile in return.
damned straight.
me;Tree climber 19 years landscaper and designer ten years and your right doing something you said you would do and going the extra mile is so rare these days it's like sighting bigfoot fly fishing. 'n dont focus on the haters that energy redirection is a waste. move on. your doing and learning that is a gift to your self that benefits others.
Hit my heart so hard I want to cry.
Love brother..... feel that pain..... and become as obsessed with it as I am.....
drinking my uhhhhh
Found a Cat faced Orb weaving spider....