Ok lets get on to the grow, like i was saying last week the numbers on the nutes have been high, and this is with normal dosage of nutes. Even in the res where i mix up all my nutes first, normal 8 gallons of ro with nutes as listed below(with dropper) ppm/ec was going to high, adding 2 gallons of ro still did not drop the numbers down. Long story short i cleaned all my pumps, cleaned the mix res tank,control bucket, and flushed the girls. Mixed up a new batch of nutes and with out adding any ro water my numbers were almost right on to what i believe they should be, waited a day and no flux well nothing like before just a ph jumped .2. Also instead of mixing up 8 gallons of water i just went with 6 gallons, figured the roots were so big i didn't need to drowned them all, so saying that i believe that the waterfarms water tanks are only half full. That's about it, looking forward to the harvest hope i pull something decent. Grow strong!!
New Water
Aqua A/B 11.5 ml to gallon of ro water
Drip Clean .4 ml to gallon
Bud XL 3.8 ml to gallon
Top Booster 5.7 ml to gallon
New Water PH 5.5 PPM 1090 TDS 2180 Temp 72
Basic cheat sheet: Ec goes up, PH goes down=plants require less nutes. Ec goes down, PH goes up=Plants require more nutes Ec stable, PH goes up=Equilibrium=Good thang.
.............................Bubba Kush.....................F13
Temps ...............low68 high85...................low70 high86
Humidity ............low59 high43...................low51 high43
Height.................39 1/2" tall.......................31 3/4" tall, topped her in veg
Light info:...........10"..................................18" away..Templow68high100Humiditylow41high50
Trunks................1 3/8" .............................1 1/8"
Buds...................1 5/8"..............................1 5/8"
Leaves.................9 fingers max...................7 fingers max
