Plant Ownership


Active Member
Then drop that loser and enjoy the weed :D. Although, he could get pissed and call the police...I dunno that's my paranoia kicking in. If that's the case tho I wouldn't give him jack shit ~


Well-Known Member
ehhh hes turned into more of a user of people than a friend FOR INSTANCE.. i have a purtty sweet moped i let him use it all summer long he gives it back to me with the fucking forks snapped on it cuz he jumped the fucking thing took me 3 months to get 60 from him to replace them with used ones and this took 3 months of arguing for him to finally give me the 60 but we hang like everyday which is why its fucked
A douche bag is a douche bag. You can't do anything but not get douched. It's easy : just tell him how it is. That's that.


Well-Known Member
No i told him i was taking it and i moved it to mine with him he couldnt grow it at his place and he wasnt gunna try so we moved it and since that day i have been taking care of it everyday
Oh, you did not explain that in your original post.

If he gave it to you to take care of it, you owe him nothing.

However, being a friend, I would give him some kick back without charging him any money.

If you read the post properly you probably would of worked out his friend new he took the plant. What? You think he took the plant for 6 months without his friend noticing lol?
If you read the original post correctly, you would then comprehend my reply.

tony nice

Oh, you did not explain that in your original post.

If he gave it to you to take care of it, you owe him nothing.

However, being a friend, I would give him some kick back without charging him any money.

If you read the original post correctly, you would then comprehend my reply.

Ya id be happy to give him something like 8gs but he says NO ITS MINE!


Active Member
Oh, you did not explain that in your original post.

If he gave it to you to take care of it, you owe him nothing.

However, being a friend, I would give him some kick back without charging him any money.

If you read the original post correctly, you would then comprehend my reply.
Lol, I did and made a correct and logical assumption, I guess your not a fan of assuming?


Well-Known Member
ehhh yes but should i even be considering giving him that much? he hasnt done shit for the thing in 6 months
You guys friends or not?

Jesus, with friends like you guys, who needs enemies?

With the shitty way you both are acting...just take the plant and tell your "friend" to suck it.

/problem solved


Active Member
ehhh yes but should i even be considering giving him that much? he hasnt done shit for the thing in 6 months
Well, he did get the seeds/clones didn't he? I think he deserves at least something, it's all got to do with swallowing your pride - it's only a plant at the end of the day.


Well-Known Member
And after you tell him to suck it...

Go back to his yard and steal some of his mommas roses and tulips!

tony nice

Well, he did get the seeds/clones didn't he? I think he deserves at least something, it's all got to do with swallowing your pride - it's only a plant at the end of the day.
yea but hes one of those people who think there hotshit and can do whatever they want even with their friends and im not the kind of person to take to getting walked on and having the take my hard work its hard enought just dealing with someone who thinnks the shit is theres just cause they started it first and had it for a week really GRINDS MY GEARS haha


Active Member
Give him an 1/8th - if you're looking at 1-2 Oz then it's nothing in comparison. If you want to stand by your guns then by all means do so but like I've said about 5 times, it's just a plant, don't take it too seriously ~

tony nice

Give him an 1/8th - if you're looking at 1-2 Oz then it's nothing in comparison. If you want to stand by your guns then by all means do so but like I've said about 5 times, it's just a plant, don't take it too seriously ~
ya i thinks thats fair but the more i talk sense into him and make him realize he did nothing compared to me the more he thinks he owns of it... and the more of an asshole he gets the less i wanna give to em


Active Member
Which is why you have to swallow your pride and be the better man in this situation. He's clearly not going to back down so try to figure out a compromise between the two of you before this gets waaay out of hand.

tony nice

Which is why you have to swallow your pride and be the better man in this situation. He's clearly not going to back down so try to figure out a compromise between the two of you before this gets waaay out of hand.
ya how do u compromise with someone whos set on an oz??? and he wants to come over for the harvest im thinking ill get fuuckeddd and there will deff be a fight