cheapest drug to make/produce to make money off?


Active Member
stock up on a bunch of rc's/grow some stinking buds go to a festival and you will make a killing :)


Well-Known Member
Shroom book = $20 or less
Go to state/county park to look for them = $20 or less in gas
8-12 hours in the park finding shrooms = free

I think this is your cheapest option.


Well-Known Member
Ajax dish powder, bag it up, sell it to crack ( i am joking, dont take that seriously ).


Well-Known Member
I got a pound of poppies and I was thinking about extracting morphine out of it and creating morphine hydrochloride, the process doesn't appear to be to difficult and maybe if I do that successfully I could make some Diacytlmorphine, 69-71% Nitric Acid for acylating? I just don't think it would yeild much off dried poppie pods though I do have about 14 O's left, any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
What I used to do is I would extract the dxm out of cough syrup, and sell the powder to kids for 10 dollars every 500mgs. No one ever knew cough syrup was dxm, and they would buy that stuff like crazy! I made at least 500 or more dollars off of that in highschool :0


Active Member
If ya lived in the countryside or wales where I live (surroned by thousands of green fields) then you could go picking and pick a serious amount of Shrooms and wait till the summer off season go to a few festivals and become a rich man, seriousily last festival season @ Glastonbury everyone wanted them and standard price was £10 a gram.. which for lib caps ia around 40-50 shrooms and you can easily pick 2000-3000 shrooms in an hour!! if you have a good field :) its pretty crazy