Heyyy everyone. Watsup? Ughhhh. I apologize for not updating more. It's just hard. J still have no Internet in my house. So the only way to update is by bringing my laptop outage with me and finding a wifi hotspot. Which can be hard. I promise I will have pics up soon tho. Within the next couple days. The blue venoms soon AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Looks like it may take 9 weeks instead of 8 tho. :/ oo well. By the way. The blue venom is turning purple!!!

MADD happy about that! Lol I've always wanted to grow a purple plant. I will show u the purple in te pics. The rooks is soon great too. 1 was male ad 1 was female. So I got rid of the male and kept the female. It's got a good amount of white hairs. And certain parts on the top of the plant are purple?? Not sure if that's normal. I've never grown a "all purple" strain b4. I will show u in the pics. Also the full moon is doing great as well. Nice and healthy. Will show pics of that too.
Ps. The lemon haze died a longggggggg time ago. Lol. An no. Weed is still illegal here in the USA. They decriminalized it tho. So anything under an ounce they can't arrest u for. U just get 100 fine. Well thnx guys for being patient with me while I have no internet. Will have pics up soooooon.