Well-Known Member
Yes, dollars that suddenly shift to large commercial operations that spring up and flood the market with cheap, questionably grown products that will most likely end up having long-term health concerns. Cannabis doesn't need Prop. 19 because Prop. 19 is only about dollars. The routing of as many dollars to people like Dick Lee who's made his fortune off medical patients. I will say this, proponents of the bill are so readily able to just cut people loose and leave them to their just deserved fates. I'd say that's the sort of attitude that cannabis doesn't need. Quite frankly, as much as you proponents try and vilify the opponents, the real deal is that we're looking out for all cannabis consumers. Not just the medical consumers. Because, if we're right, those without the coverage of medical will be in a very bad place. Even those with medical would face a new round of discrimination. This law is ambiguous. Ambiguity in law is never a good thing for citizens.So it sounds to me like you only care about yourself and not the future of this Country. That being said, marijuana doesn't need you. All you care about is the dollar.
There have been numerous articles and opinions that express that concern. The wording of the bill isn't really encouraging either. Of course, you'd have to understand the particulars of the Kelly decision to understand how.Aside from that, show me an article in the prop 19 where it says it will effect prop 215, and medical marijuana growers will have to confine to prop 19's 25 sq ft limit.
Better check your facts buddy because you are hating on this bill for no reason. It doesn't effect MMJ growers.
Right after you ask for articles to support argumentation, you say that news isn't worth referencing. Contradictory much? In any case, the assumption that opponents "just haven't really read the bill" is a paltry argumentation device. Many of us have been reading the stupid thing since before it was submitted for the ballot and many times since then.In short, read the proposition instead of reading and believing what people post on forums. That's just about as bad as listening to the news and quoting them.
I know it can be boring reading bills and propositions but it will do you and every other person who is against prop 19 nothing but good.
It's funny you should mention McDonald's in such a derogatory tone. Dick Lee's vision for Prop. 19 was in fact summarized by himself as wanting to create the McDonald's of pot.Ignorance like this just goes to show how smart the average American is. Too busy wanting to eat McDonald's and watch American Idol to check the facts first.