My first blueberry plant!!! Need help!!


Well-Known Member
weekly update
sharksbreath. its proper bushing up!!! 001.jpg
sourcream. lst'ing her 4 main tops 003.jpg

blueberry. comming along 002.jpg

and finaly here are the seedlings all poped the ground today 4 nirvana northern lights and 1 bag seed under the t5

im also venting the hot air from the reflector into my flooring its working great


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
How tall do you want them? Start flowering when they are 1/2 - 1/3 the size you want them to be at the end of flower.


Well-Known Member
I'm really loving the look of that sour cream, gonna make for a real nice bush! And the sharks breath - how bushy!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Check it out. Plant is kind of coming back. Not in my possession though.

The leaves are curling down like that because the pot its in right now is too small.

I've been starting nutes on it. It had a major pH deficiency before. I'm bringing it back.

You can see some before and after pics of just bending it without any sort of tying down



Well-Known Member
hey boys bad news. my wife and me had a big fight last night. and we sperated. she has killed all the plants and got the equipmint.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
hey boys bad news. my wife and me had a big fight last night. and we sperated. she has killed all the plants and got the equipmint.
What. The. Fuck. No. Fucking. Way.

If you are worried about police I would move all incriminating things (grow supplies, seeds, weed, bongs etc.) out of the house and someplace safe. Just in case she decides to try to give you a record.

Smoke a bowl and try to relax if you can man I'm really sorry.

PM me or post in this thread if you want to talk bro I'm here for ya :bongsmilie:

Look at it on the brightside, they hadn't even hit flower yet. As far as time wasted goes you come out a little ahead. You only lost like 3 weeks of effort there, rather than like 10 (were it in flowering)


Well-Known Member
What. The. Fuck. No. Fucking. Way.

If you are worried about police I would move all incriminating things (grow supplies, seeds, weed, bongs etc.) out of the house and someplace safe. Just in case she decides to try to give you a record.

Smoke a bowl and try to relax if you can man I'm really sorry.

PM me or post in this thread if you want to talk bro I'm here for ya :bongsmilie:

Look at it on the brightside, they hadn't even hit flower yet. As far as time wasted goes you come out a little ahead. You only lost like 3 weeks of effort there, rather than like 10 (were it in flowering)


Well-Known Member
Damn man im sorry to hear about what happened, I cant believe that!!! Only thing to do now is progress forward. I hope all is well check out my last post it might brighten you up a little.


Well-Known Member
Awww fucking hell man, I'm so sorry to hear about the split. Hope everything sorts itself out in the end for ya.

Just remember, for every dark night, there is a brighter day :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok boys time for an explaination, my brother playd a prank on me the little DOG, he sayd some mates told him copers are tracking my journal, i got paranoide and sayd they all dead n all that stuff on here, today he told me it al was bulshit, the little nob got me back from what i did to him lol.

well its been a week on on the 600w mh and wow they have shown a huge difrence! here are some pics

sharks breath

blueberry, its got some brown dots and leave edge burn little. i think its most likly cos my ph meter fukd up. NEVER BUY PH METERS FROM E-BAY!!!!!!!! AND I ONLY HAD IT LIKE A MONTH ARGHH. well i then had to buy a new ph meter so i went to the hydro store and the lad sayd its got a years garantee. i had to send my old one off back to the e-bay seller lets see what he does ill let you boys know. and i have started to LST the bb looks like 4 tops :)

sour cream she/he is doing really good


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Looking ill!

Not much longer, how many weeks in are you at? You should definitely go 4-6 weeks until they show pre flowers


Well-Known Member
lmao, you have no idea how glad I am that this is back. I kept looking at the last pics and thinking that they were gonna make awesome plants!

glad to have you back mate.

sour cream looks immense!!


Well-Known Member
lmao, you have no idea how glad I am that this is back. I kept looking at the last pics and thinking that they were gonna make awesome plants!

glad to have you back mate.

sour cream looks immense!!
lol thanks mate, yeah the sour cream is doing great!