
Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Third time and am finding maturity much quicker this time (30 days in and seeing some amber pistils). The rule of thumb is 60% (amber pistils) from most I've talked to. Inica strain so assumed it would be 50 to 60 days. It was 60 last time with same strain. This looks like it could be ready in 45. Lots of crystals already forming and very sticky and oily. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
get a microscope and look at tricomes. Radioshack has a 60-100x for less than $15. Back in the day I would harvest based on hairs, but I get better ripeness going by tricomes, and often when I harvest I have way more than 60% dry pistils.

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
My bad I meant tricomes. Does the cyrstal or stickiness ever change how early to take them?. I had waited for the tricomes to be 60 to 80% amber before harvest previosly but they were not nearly as sticky or crystalline.


Well-Known Member
%60-80 amber is fairly ripe, though the characteristics of the high will change as it ripens, so if you like it more ripe, then that's fine. The stickyness and how frosty it looks is going to depend on your growing conditions and strain. The strains I've grown which have gotten really sticky weren't super sticky till the last 3 weeks or so. I try to shoot for 0 clear, 80% cloudy, 20% amber, but as I said, there is some personal preference in there :)


Well-Known Member
im currently growing NYC diesel and i have red/amber hairs at 3 weeks but this doesnt mean anything. with this perticular strain waight gain does not stop untill week 7 and they are not ripe untill week 10~, so why do i have amber chrystals in week 3? a number of factors come into play such as the individual nutrients and how much of them are in the plant, the temperature, distance to light and air particulate contact all come into play......

just be safe and grow it out untill it is TRULY ripe and the plant tells you........ when the leaves start to die and the bud stops growing :D it should only be 60-70% amber tric's and 100% brown pistols.......