if being a man means going to jail and getting ass raped then no i dont wanna be a man. Im trying to tell this person how to cause some trouble in the lives of these people he dislikes without going to jail. You can call me a pussy all you want, but it wont change the fact that the car is fucked up. But your probably more gangster then tupac so you just go around killing everyone. my b, as you probably say.
Ok, so heres my theory of why you, and people like you, are nothing more than douchey twits...follow along, as I outline the problem with your methods.
So you claim to be a "racist", yet are you proactive in this claim? Do you hold rallies or club meetings with cross burnings or public beatings? This, of course, is a rhetorical question, because that would be contradictory in your nature; you avoid handling the grown-man business, instead opting for a much more pussy way of handling things. So that is to say, you're a poser. This is a sign of either just being young, or stupid....or both.
You would rather destroy the property of somebody that you felt bullied you, and HONESTLY believe that it's the best way to handle the situation because its so "foolproof". Yet you fail to realize the fact that, if someone beats your ass, and you go and key their car or whatever, that they really won't know who did it? Not to mention they will retaliate in the way the whole war started...with fists, or weapons this time. And they'll kick your ass, twice as hard.
The fact that you're too afraid to go to jail, is just a reflection of the fact that you must have had your old man fight your battles for you, because if you DID go to jail, dad won't be around to fend for you. Besides, punching someone in the face (which is enough to at least say "I won't take your shit, I WILL fight back") doesn't warrant a trip to prison. Jail? MAYBE...if anything, probably just a misdemeanor fine, which I've seen firsthand. Then again, since your case of vaginitis is so profound that you won't even duke it out with those who give you trouble, it's no real suprise that you're too much of a girl to spend a day or 2 in jail.
Your version of "high standards" obviously are open to interpretation. I can only assume you speak of the black people that follow the gangster game...ok. Well, again, at least those people are MAN ENOUGH not only to go to jail which you're so afraid of, but they also fight, spill blood, and kill to get to where they want to be, while simultaneously putting their own lives at risk. Where are you during all this? Oh yeah, thats right....getting even by vandalism in the cover of night, because actually showing your face would be the "1950s" thing to do. Congrats, you set the new standards of what it means to be a man