Molasses - didn´t do ANYTHING for me.


Well-Known Member
Molasses really isn't for "increasing yields". It's just a good amendment for organic soil gardeners because it's a readily available food source for living microbes in the soil. Microbes essentially decompose organic material making more nutrients available to the plants. There would really be no benefit with using molasses if you are using chemical fertilizer, because a lot of synthetic chemicals kill beneficial microbes and they aren't going to need food when they're dead. It's more of a fertilizer "booster" for organics than anything. Even in an organic garden where the microbes have enough food, there most likely won't be any noticeable difference in yield with the addition of molasses. Although beneficial in some situations, the use of molasses is really over-rated and isn't meant to increase yields for plants. By some situations, i essentially mean an organic garden where there is not enough food or diversity for the microbes.
Yup... +REP..


Well-Known Member
I can see a lot more going as well - as most MJ forums are populated by a load of naive kids who have never grown anything else and have no botanical knowledge whatever.
If you are going to make blanketed statements with no actual proof to back up your "data", besides your "professional" word, you are just as bad as those "load of naive kids" who post their drivel on MJ forums.


Well-Known Member
Ive never used molasses, still great harvests.

My opinion? Too many growers try to make precise scientific calcuations and try to complicate the growing process. Too many growers try to aim for pure perfection.

Growers running out and spending 1000s upon 1000s of dollars for high end equipment, digital meters, etc. Then they spread their propaganda around making it sound like you HAVE to follow their guidelines for growing MJ.

ITS A FUCKING PLANT! Its been growing for 1000s of years without the help of humans. What makes you think they need our assistance now? Seriously. Im getting so tired of this vs that threads, hearing people spread bad advice and making it sound like you have to have a degree in botany just to grow some good pot.

Soil, light and good water. Wow, such a hard fucking concept to understand.

I gurantee every single one of you (even me), cannot tell how a plant was grown, with what nutes, what lighting setups, etc when smoking a finished product that you did not nor did anyone you know grow it. In otherwords, you buy a bag off the streets, Not a single one you could tell if molasses was used or not. If you can, your a fucking liar.

Long story short, your all complicating the growing process for an absolute minimal amount of end result differences.

Ive smoked some real ghetto grown bud, less than 100 bucks to even setup, and its smoked just as good and has gotten me just as stoned as any other commercially grown bud.


Active Member
From seed - but not sure what that has to do with the price of eggs.
because to be a meaningful test, you must at least use identical plants which is what clones are, I personally don't care one way or the other about molasses, I've used it but only because I already have it and I was looking for some trace minerals.


Obviously I am trashing some dearly held beliefs here - to be quite honest I always felt that giving a plant SUGAR, which is what molasses is, was a load of BS - plants make ALL the sugars they need by photosynthesis - just another OWT to bite the dust. But I gave it a fair shot.
I can see a lot more going as well - as most MJ forums are populated by a load of naive kids who have never grown anything else and have no botanical knowledge whatever.
I really don't see why you're being so pompous about it. So you used a mere tablespoon of molasses per gallon of water, how consistently we don't know, other details we don't know but ultimately you feel it is useless because the buds didn't appear to be any bigger? While some may exaggerate their results from using molasses, or they use molasses and witness their buds swell; thus they perceive the swelling was due to the molasses even though it might not have been. Still, there are various nutritional reasons to use molasses and several liquid fertilizer brands are partially derived from it already.

Molasses is quite a bit more than just sugar. It contains sucrose, which is a complex carbohydrate, as well as the simple sugars glucose and fructose. It can be used to feed soil microbes, in soil and in teas, which is why many people incorporate it into their grows. Then of course it is also an excellent source of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese; so an excellent source of secondary and trace nutrients.


Well-Known Member
Adding molasses does not bulk up plants in flower. Molasses works on the microbes in the soil. I use it both inside and outside.


Well-Known Member
From experience, do you think molasses affects the taste of the final product at all?

I do see so many different opinions and methods on here, and I'd wager still lots of old wive's tales being perpetuated. I'm trying it on mine, 2 weeks from harvest. I can't tell if the bud swelling is normal (likely) or not. Now I'm curious about the taste


Well-Known Member
flushing is no wives tale
Hmm i call bs. I ran a few tests on flushing this year. As i do sell to medical dispensary and i want the patients to recieve the best quiality smoke for there money. Most dispensary's in so cal are far from compassionate with the prices :-D Not all but most arent from my experience. Anyways FLushing does make your smoke a LOT smoother as with more tasty and all that crap i dunno. Heres a quick test you can do. If you have 2 plant bout a week before harvest dont flush one and flush the other one for a week with h202 and water. You will see the flushed one not only that the ash is almost pure white after you smoke but the hit is super smooth. I can take rips out of the same piece with the flushed bud almost dbl in density. People flush to get all the salt build out of there weed. Which we all know theres a shit load of it in synthetic nutrients. I do not have anything to back up any of this as i do most of my experiments off the records. Since they wont really have any effect on human life dont really c the point as well. So take it for what you want :) Happy Growing all.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
If you are going to make blanketed statements with no actual proof to back up your "data", besides your "professional" word, you are just as bad as those "load of naive kids" who post their drivel on MJ forums.
Great first and second post.



Total Head

Well-Known Member
From seed - but not sure what that has to do with the price of eggs.
if they were from seed the genetics were not identical and therefore varied (or not varied) results cannot be attributed soley to environmental factors. i have grown out 3 phenos of super lemon haze for example. they all yeilded, looked, and smelled different, and one of them was not quite as potent. somehow i doubt that was just because of what i fed them.


Active Member
In the ASK ED book, he shows a picture of two of the same types of buds one plant given mollasses and the other not, huge difference in the picture.


Well-Known Member
While sugars do benefit microbes in the soil, the idea that they'll in-turn give you a bumper crop is total bollocks. I ran some molasses in my garden this summer with my jalepenos and tomatoes (2 plants of each veggie, half were treated). I had the same results as spanish.


Active Member

snapped a pic of the page and im Pretty sure this is PROOF. although in the picture it says sugar, the previous page says the sugar additive is molasses.


Well-Known Member
Seeds from the same offspring will exhibit different traits even in a controlled test. Clones should have been used.

Maybe this test goes to tell us that molasses may not be as great for some as it is for others?

A first timer possibly under feeding, may show better results using the molasses as it increases macro nutrients, micro nutrients, carbs etc. On the other hand, an experienced grower already covering all angles of a successful grow may not find molasses to be as useful. It could be the food and soil chosen by one man are providing these nutrients where in a completely different situation are lacking.


Well-Known Member
^The plants could've been lacking micro-nutes, as well, making it seem like the molasses was actually doing something. When, in reality, they were just lacking something the molasses provided. It's loaded with micros. But, if you already have that under control with ferts, you don't really need molasses, IMO. I've used it, and other than making my soil nice and sticky, I didn't see any difference, either.

+ Rep, to spanishfly, for experimenting, even though he is a pain in my ass, at :razz:

j/k man. You're a little blunt, but knowledgeable, and I respect your advice/opinions.:peace:

(edit: apparently, I have to spread around some rep, first. Ahh well, it's the thought that counts, right? :wink:)


Well-Known Member
^The plants could've been lacking micro-nutes, as well, making it seem like the molasses was actually doing something. When, in reality, they were just lacking something the molasses provided. It's loaded with micros. But, if you already have that under control with ferts, you don't really need molasses, IMO. I've used it, and other than making my soil nice and sticky, I didn't see any difference, either.

+ Rep, to spanishfly, for experimenting, even though he is a pain in my ass, at :razz:

j/k man. You're a little blunt, but knowledgeable, and I respect your advice/opinions.:peace:

(edit: apparently, I have to spread around some rep, first. Ahh well, it's the thought that counts, right? :wink:)
ill give him rep for ya. +rep


Misguided Angel
As I said before, molasses did absolutely nothing for me either, but if it does for you or you even think it does for you, have at it. Spanishfly is just sharing his experience with it.


Well-Known Member
ill give him rep for ya. +rep

Thanks man. :cool:

Damn, now I need somebody else to +rep you, for me, 'cause I just rep'd ya in another thread, and need to spread more around, before I get back to What's up with that, anyway? Ahh, I get it now... It's so that noobs can't keep + rep'ing each other, just for the sake of upping their numbers. Gotcha, O' almighty RIU leaders. *bows* :wink:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. :cool:

Damn, now I need somebody else to +rep you, for me, 'cause I just rep'd ya in another thread, and need to spread more around, before I get back to What's up with that, anyway? Ahh, I get it now... It's so that noobs can't keep + rep'ing each other, just for the sake of upping their numbers. Gotcha, O' almighty RIU leaders. *bows* :wink:
yes rep is so great isnt it?!