Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

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Well-Known Member
ok...here is my question for Uncle Ben, as i have gone through a few pages here and after seeing there are only 271 pages in all...i give up lol....At what height did you start the flowering process from the plant on page 1...the 10oz jewel ....(height of the plant...not plant and the pot)...obviously the stress from cutting off the top of the plant will slow it down for a few days at the least i would think. I cant speak for everyone, but im a greedy bastard..i want the most possible yield that i can get lol



Well-Known Member
I topped this hairy lady as a young seedling and went to 12/12 2 weeks after topping. Pictures are from day 53 after flipping to 12/12. I'm not complaining :)




Well-Known Member
Looks nice, but doesn't this look nicer?


I could be wrong, but I find myself perplexed how people doing LST with 20-50 colas (such as in the above pic) could possibly yield the same as UB himself doing the 4 cola method, which is why I would like to see what his plants look like. I saw one of his giant plants somewhere but lost the link.

If anything, shouldn't the LST'ed plants yield more? I mean those colas look 2-3 times as long and would be the same in girth as yours or mine if it was the same strain. Or that plant could just be early in flower. cus I've seen some other LST'ed plants with pretty fat colas.

Unless UB's colas are like 10 times the size I don't see how the 4 cola (or 3 if you're unlucky) method yields as much as LST.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Hey Ben, do you mind posting some pictures of your 5' monsters? I've went through 150+ pages of this thread and haven't seen a single picture from you other than the ones on the 1st page.
Wish there was a thread tool to look at the pictures only...
After taking a few pictures which was clearly a security issue, I deleted them. There are quite a few photos of mine and others throughout this thread. Rollitup refuses to allow thread starters to edit their posts or I would have turned the first post of this thread into a FAQ with answers to the same old questions and more photos.

Topping indoors or out tends to open up the canopy but the auxin influence can only go so far. I wouldn't worry about it.

ok...here is my question for Uncle Ben, as i have gone through a few pages here and after seeing there are only 271 pages in all...i give up lol....At what height did you start the flowering process from the plant on page 1...the 10oz jewel ....
About 12" is when I flowered. BTW, the only stress involved is to those who are topping for the first time. If the plant is growing like it should it WILL respond within 24 hours. By the time it has grown to 6 nodes it should be growing pretty fast.

Nice post and results KK! BTW, you're not the KK from the old days of cann.com? It's rare that the nodes where the cotlyedons attach will output foliage. "Never say never" I guess......



Active Member
so guys i topped mine a few days ago , and now they look like 4 colas are growing! i could be wrong, but can someone tell me if that is true? i will post pics soon when i turn the lights on


Well-Known Member
Nice post and results KK! BTW, you're not the KK from the old days of cann.com? It's rare that the nodes where the cotlyedons attach will output foliage. "Never say never" I guess......

Thank You! I couldn't have done it without your guys' help and if i might say, things are looking great! No iam not the KK from any other site, well except speedyseedz forums, iam KK there as well.

As for the coty's, iam with ya on that. I never thought that what happened to me is the 'norm', but its not too surprising seeing that i left the variables in just to see how it came out. Definitely seems to me that next go, ill chop the coty nodes to prevent it from 'possibly' happening again(like i did with the third plant) as it definitely came out the best of the three.

Once again UB and the others that helped me before, thanks a ton! Thanks to it, my second grow is definitely going exponentially better than the first one did =D


Active Member

they grew allot in the last few days, so is that 4 top i circled it, one of em got hidden for the picture under the leaf, and the little x is where i cut the top

the other one i didnt get a shot of the top but i moved them to that black bucket because im doing a phinal phase flush on my snowyrders this week and they were in the same tank..

which kind of sucked, one of the autos roots were tangled with the snowryders and i had to cut them to remove it...

and now i mixed up the 2!!! dont know which is norther lights and which is jock horror =/


I'm in on this late but hey! I have some indicas that i let shoot up too high to start lst. They're about 12" and I suppose i could bend 'em and then s.c. but do you think topping will do alright? still lst after?


Active Member

well theres my contribution to this method have just started 12/12 today all plants at 20" with 4 good strong colas each!


Well-Known Member
If you top exactly like the guide says, after the second true node, I sometimes get four equal colas. But most of the time, the top two branches become dominant and start stretching, leaving the lower two far behind. Next time I am going to try and do a second topping of the two top shoots, which will hopefully allow the lower colas to keep up with the top ones. This might give me six equal colas...or maybe two (or four) will become dominant again.

I still like this method, because two twin towers is better than one.


Well-Known Member
if i top at number 1 ill get 4 top right. and if i top at number 2 ill get 6 top ? if i top higher will i get more top? what if i top one lover then number 1 i will get 2 tops? i hope im right if im wrong let me know please!!! im a first time growe and just want to do it right!!


Well-Known Member
You've got it right Nas. I would probably top at #2 myself as you already have 6 nicely developing lateral branches that will hopefully turn into 6 even main colas. I couldn't bring myself to waste two nice branches myself.


Active Member


that pic is a couple of weeks old but u can see 6 of the plants all have 4 equal colas. u can also see the plant i topped at 5th node pretty wild groth really bottom 2 nodes ending up main colas anyway!!!

hope you can see those UB would love your input!


Active Member
oh cheers dave +rep, do you live uk? its wierd i have a friend that is called dave coulier not really but thats what everyone calls him and he grows loadsa green hahaha
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