wiring a light box to a breaker?


so i just bought this light conversion box thing ( http://www.horticulturesource.com/product_info.php?products_id=8839 )
and the box says to use copper wire to connect them but its kinda expensive for the distance i need it to run so my question to anyone who knows something about this is can i use aluminum wire? i believe the size the copper wire needs to be is #6 but if i got aluminum #4? anyone know if this would work?


Active Member
USE COPPER, they say "COPPER ONLY" for a reason. Which could be many, or this one: When you bond aluminum to copper, or metals with copper in them, it can and will corrode over time. This is, obviously, VERY BAD. UNLESS you use special goop. Which is not intended for continuous duty like a grow-op.

The only time i use, or suggest its use, EVER, is for LIGHTNING RODS. These is never a constant flow of power on a lightning rod, if there is, you have other problems, LoL.

Check with an electrical DEALER, trust me, they will get you a better deal than L or HD. My local was 1/2 the cost of L and HD.

ADDITION: But hey, maybe you'd be better off just simply adding a sub panel and buying a small peice of copper. ?? Thats what I would do, cuz it sounds like your running some watts!!

Good luck dude!! Nice controller BTW,


yeah im deffinatly not trying to light it on fire haha thanks for the input...looks like i get to go buy a $200 wire....itll be worth it in the end...


Buy a little extra...you will not be able to stretch it if it's short. It will then become a 425.00 wire. I've been there.......