
Well-Known Member
that's not much of a bong hit. cool slide show though.
yeah...i like holding in the smoke until i almost zero it...maybe i shouldn't have done that for that shot. lol. can't help it.
thank you! :)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
yeah...i like holding in the smoke until i almost zero it...maybe i shouldn't have done that for that shot. lol. can't help it.
thank you! :)

yikes don't do that.. break that habit.. bad for your LUNGS....

had a friend who's dad was a doctor.. told us we'd get just as high not holding in the smoke.. i believe it.. LOL..

he said that holding the smoke does significant more damage..



Well-Known Member
GK is RIGHT! great little slideshow, but "ghosting" a hit means all that nasty in the smoke just stayed in your lungs

the THC will absorb almost instantly, so just inhale, exhale and you're bueno


Well-Known Member
yikes don't do that.. break that habit.. bad for your LUNGS....

had a friend who's dad was a doctor.. told us we'd get just as high not holding in the smoke.. i believe it.. LOL..

he said that holding the smoke does significant more damage..

Really? Yikes! That's what I do every hit. And up until about a year and a half ago all I smoked were blunts. That can't be good. Maybe that's why I been coughing up black stuff.


Well-Known Member
Maybe that's why I been coughing up black stuff.
Unless you work in a coal mine, it's a good guess

you've seen your pipes... all that resin that builds up... now think about your lungs:joint:

ahh... my lungs.... I have to clean my pipes weekly cause they get so dirty...
I don't know cypress hill I will look them up :)

As for my Spanish, I am the laughing stock of my Spanish school, my TKD class and my girlfriends family but I am getting better.

This is my Favourite Manu song I love singing the lyrics full blast with my girlfriend after a few wines, its a beaut, its in Portugese I think. I sent it to a very good girl friend in England (we share music a lot) and said it was a lovesong because of the minha querida bit, turns out he's singing about his favourite football team and marijuana :)

O minha maconha
Minha torcida
Minha querida
Minha galera
O minha cachoeira
Minha menina
Minha flamenga
Minha capoeira
O minha menina

In fact I am going for a singsong right now :)

xuxi!!! manu chau is the shit!!!
te gusta cypress hill???

Mucha gente me decia, que yo no podria
Fumar mariguana por la policia
Me vale madre el humo que hay por todo el aire
Si tu quieres ten mi toque pues caile
Soy el grifo mas escandaloso
De los Angeles cypress peligroso
Enciende el leño o la pipa
Pasalo por mi clicka la que rifa
Mota rica, shiva shiva
Llevando yesca, estoy arriba
Es algo que yo hago a diario
Al despertar y tambien todo el dia en mi barrio
Cuando me encuentres en cualquier lugar
Saca papeles porque quiero fumar mota...



Well-Known Member
DankDelia u got huge eyebrowse <--- what ya call em i dont know....

hehehehe sry but i dont think you'r going to jamaica :P

Little effects are allways fun to make ^^


Active Member

how was thailand?

Thailand is awesome, I would really recommend going. Maybe not on it's own as I did it as part of an around the world trip. Three of us there and boy did we get messed up, there local whiskey is laced with some crazy stuff and you go hyper as a mofo. Didn't mess around with any thai chicks as I didn't want to pay but there is plenty of hot female travelers since most men go for the Thai's! I seemed to end up with Canadian women most of the time.