The Big 40

SWEET grow!!! Holy crap! How do you get your plants sooooo bushy? This is my first grow and while Im happy that my plants are 6-7ft in height. They are no where near as big in diameter or as full.
wow man hahaha .. i hope thats on your property because id be so afraid of poachers!.... and i love the comments about the "i do a dance or crazy poses when they fly by" hahaha thats hilarious
you need to either top train them or instead of having a deep pot, grow in the kiddie pool like wheezer. when you have a large diameter like that roots spread farther out wide there for growing wider, rather than growing deep and tall.
These were topped everal times while they were small(first month), and then they just turn into bushes instead of trees. The thickness in general is, lots of sun, lots of water, and lots of root space, and most importantly....lots of love! Where I see most people make mistakes on their babies, is they try to grow them too big too fast, and don't top em', and they have these tall beanpoles to start out with. I have a couple plants I got from someone else as replacements that were grown like that, and they are bear for the first 2-3 ft. My plants are bud from the ground up. I had to prop the bottom branched up to keep them out of the dirt. Those rows are 10ft. wide+ and most are filling that up!
I have to try topping on my 2nd grow. Too bad it will be indoors and I dont have space for monsters like that!
haha yea I get plenty of offers, but the truth is, it's split up between 6 scripts and everyone does their own, so, it's not as bad as you would think. Especially being we have 2 trimreapers.
Ha, yea but in your situation, split it six times and you still a shit ton to trim lol. Is there places you can get smaller less expensive trimmers like that? Like electric.
you can get some hand crank ones that are lik 400 and not worth it. There's another one I saw operate that's about 1100, and it's not too bad. It beats paying 200 a pound to have ot hand trimmed, and I hate it! I'llrent it out when I'm done and make my money back.
Ha, yea but in your situation, split it six times and you still a shit ton to trim lol. Is there places you can get smaller less expensive trimmers like that? Like electric.
Hi Wheeze, just checking in. I wanted to let you know that I have really been searching around in here to find a "comparable" grow, and no luck yet! There was a guy from Humboldt County with a huge commercial grow that was pretty spectacular, but as said "commercial" and a lot of bodies on site. You have pretty much locked up "Grow King - 2010" in my book.
Good luck & good grow.......BB
HAHA, There's a few very nice grows on here that I would be more than proud to be the owner of. I have a friend here, that hit a good year too, he's got 36 that are all about the size of mine. Not as thick and heavy, but super nice for sure. I have some plants out here on this thing that are the same strain as others that are doing great, that just didn't ever take off. All the dirt and water and all was the same, but some were just weak. I guess they just didn't get a good root stucture from the start. Thanks for the kind words, the bud pics are going to get really good in another 2weeks.....
Well your outdoor grow looks oddly similar to what I got going on right now, mine arent as spread out as yours only because I dont have the room but your grow is looking great, I dont see too many outdoor grows on here that are where they need to be, so its refreshing, although I must confess Im jealous that you have 40, I only went with 26, but I also lined my fence with a bunch of different autos so I could start harvesting bumber crops to keep me busy while Im home on guard. How big is your biggest plant, what strain is it? Sadly I think on average my plants were bigger last year, we had some weird weather at the beginning of the season this year, although I got a couple plants that should break my personal record. Great looking grow man, nothing beats outdoor growing, as much as I love growing chronic little plants inside, there just something about growing one plant that produces more than I can under 2000w and costs be shit loads of money on materials and power. Keep up the good work, have you harvested any strains yet, I think I might have a couple that could be ready in about 2wks, most will probably be last few weeks of Oct though, looks great, peace brotha!
well weezie finally got here and i must say i am very happy to see yet more talent on this site...i dont like to get in to playen favs, so i will just say that, you have a massive green thumb and i wish i knew where you were so we could thumb wrestle ;) i wish i had a lil more space so i could put more room between my girls.. i love this thread and am now sub'd..thank you and keep me posted :) oh and btw five stars added is my vote!!!
Thanks for all the kind words. This is my best grow so far, and I'm amazed myself everyday when I walk through it. Hda to pull some catterpillars the last few days, they seem to be staying on the back row, closest to the oak trees. They'rs taking it out on my 1 Chocolope for the most part, and that's one of my Favs. @bluffin: It's gonna be a toss up between one of the Romulans, and my Jack Trainwreck cross, for the heaviest. @homegrowengurl: Thumb wrestling sounds like fun!...We'll talk about it after harvest!!