The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

PROP 19 - tax and regulate cannabis in California

  • YES

    Votes: 152 66.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 78 33.9%

  • Total voters

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
lived in cali all my life. never seen or been effected by any "cartel". sounds like 1973 to me.
Lets just go back to this for a second. Are you trying to deny the impact of drug cartels? Are you implying they are some sort of illusion?


Active Member

I live damn near in the at the mexican markets (for my raw dog food)...nobody fooks with me...maybe I don't look like a Norteño...;)

you also are not messing with their stream of income currently (as far as they know). stop antagonizing.


Well-Known Member
you also are not messing with their stream of income currently (as far as they know). stop antagonizing.
That's right! This is not about Meth/coke/heroin...this thinking is as ridiculous as the stereotypical news header for a drug story that includes needles, lines and pot leaves or joints (like they are even close!) Mj is just a side thing...mexican pot is near worthless in California.



Well-Known Member
Lets just go back to this for a second. Are you trying to deny the impact of drug cartels? Are you implying they are some sort of illusion?
are you putting words into my mouth to suit your argument again? :roll:

i said "they have never effected me".


Active Member
That's right! This is not about Meth/coke/heroin...this thinking is as ridiculous as the stereotypical news header for a drug story that includes needles, lines and pot leaves or joints (like they are even close!) Mj is just a side thing...mexican pot is near worthless in California.

inaccurate and misleading. though the percentage may be much smaller in CA due to better strains propagated and distributed legally, MJ sold in the USA makes up for up to or more than 60% of cartel business. the other substances mentioned are not from Mexico, but muled through it on its way here.


Well-Known Member
looks like i missed all the fun while stepping away to water my plants.:cry:

i want this prop to pass so that we can all have a 5x5 grow competition.

i bet some fuckers will pull pounds.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
inaccurate and misleading. though the percentage may be much smaller in CA due to better strains propagated and distributed legally, MJ sold in the USA makes up for up to or more than 60% of cartel business. the other substances mentioned are not from Mexico, but muled through it on its way here.
when i lived in az, $60 ounces of schwag were the best for those of us on a budget.

if you were really stingy, you could sell3 dubs for $20 a piece and smoke the fourth dub for free. common practice in az last time i lived there.

edit - chronic costs $60-$65 per eighth in az. schwag is what most stoners smoke, sadly


Active Member
hopefully as legislation shifts we can get some of that sweet sweet top quality Cali green. i feel your plight all too well. i haven't even SEEN any sensimilla since moving out east.


Well-Known Member
the poll is pretty swayed when people from other states are voting yes in hopes of it helping their own state. most of which hang you for pot.

i need to start a "califonia only" voters thread so we can get an idea where we're really at as far as "true" votes go.

might as well kill the poll. don't know what i was thinking.


Well-Known Member
hopefully as legislation shifts we can get some of that sweet sweet top quality Cali green. i feel your plight all too well. i haven't even SEEN any sensimilla since moving out east.
it's been a while since az. luckily i'm in wa now, and astounded by the laid back attitude.

visited family on the east coast a while back, got some great weed but it was also $65 an eighth.

the east coast sucks:evil:


Active Member
there's already a few being done you can find with a quick google search. anyhow this has been a fascinating debate and i encourage everyone to discuss their fears, hopes, and concerns. keeping this kind of open dialogue is fantastic for educating. unfortunately its time for me to pass out for a few hours. will check back tonight to see how this is going.

p.s. if it didn't effect us we probably wouldn't care.


Well-Known Member
none of you even live in cali?

it's a california election thread.


chances are i'll be living in cali in a year or two, so it does effect me.

plus, i am speaking for the multitude of friends and family i have there, all of whom will be voting yes (if they get their asses to the polls).

if you want a poll of what californians think, here ya go....

consistently ahead....

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
That's right! This is not about Meth/coke/heroin...this thinking is as ridiculous as the stereotypical news header for a drug story that includes needles, lines and pot leaves or joints (like they are even close!) Mj is just a side thing...mexican pot is near worthless in California.

Quite a lot of it it is grown and sold in California. It's not a side thing. It's a large portion of their income.


Active Member
lol sorry 1 last thing. from that link posted by UncleBuck...

In the 1972 California November elections, a similar initiative to legalize cannabis was on the ballot, and coincidentally it was also named Proposition 19

kinda gives you an idea of what holding out for better can net you no? a 40 year wait to get to that same first step.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
are you putting words into my mouth to suit your argument again? :roll:

i said "they have never effected me".
You claimed to never see a drug cartel member and put "" around the word cartel. If that wasn't meant to imply that cartels are all bs, then what was the purpose of that?


Well-Known Member
i was looking for an idea about how the vote was here. i'm well aware of google. if you aren't voting in the california election in 2 months and you voted in this poll, then this poll is meaningless. to me anyways, and i'm the one who started it. i should have been more clear.