The Heavy Frutie Duty, The Nuken And JTR

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
How old are the plants that got scorched? I just bought a new 8000 btu LG yesterday, it's getting above 75 in my room already. I have yet to set it up.


Well-Known Member
christ man what a nightmare! at least your plants are still alive thats cookin heat there!
Yeah they are thank God..Thanks for asking Don. They look a little stressed so I just pulled there ppm\\\'s way down lettin just kinda chill out for yesterday and today. Tommrow I\\\'ll go up by a 100 ppm a day till I get to 1000, then 50 ppm a day until rinse time.Hey WCM, they look ok white hairs not standing up like usual they probably went to 90 with no c02 due to they fact I had to continually run my can fan w/filter to keep air circulating.But I have to say that with c02 I go to 90-95 during the heat of they day. I don\\\'t like that however I have no choice in that area. So I guess what I\\\'m tryin to say is that I think MJ plants are a bit tuffer than maybe some book would have you believe..Plants in Veg did fine they don\\\'t look any different..So glad its fixed no one had to come in so that was good. I learned that I will pay the A/C man whatever he wants form now on..LOL
Plants ranged in age from mother to clones in a room and a room of bloom plants about 30 days into bloom


Well-Known Member
My favourite tool is my roll of duct tape.....Hammers are also very cool, haha. I am a kinda DIY man (Duct it Yourself)


Well-Known Member
Whats the problem with the HDF lad? or you just bored and looking for summit new?
Just can't take the heat inside the room, easily mag defiencent, airy buds, hard to get tuned in. In my opinion this may be a connuisers dope but its not for those of us that are tring to make a living. HDF only nets me 1/2 of what my other strain get per plant. Now maybe I have the wrong pheno, I don't know, but this last table I took down got so mag def that the leaves were gold,,,and it get the same feeding as the other strains.. ????


Well-Known Member
Been off me rocker lads. Loads of works. But it worked out very well. Seem I now have a bit more space.
Pinapple express coming along.
Also started sensi star fem
and Rocklock fem
Will try and be around a bit more. Missed you all!


Well-Known Member
Pics please mr Hemlock? lol.

Sorry, but is Sensi Star from Sensi Seeds (prolly a dumb Q)