Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

good luck in the d. niggaz be grimey out dur

yet another posts of someone that went too city. and I aint no niggaz.

WARNING!!!! to all michigan cornfield growers as previosly stated many posts back that something was up with the field corn this year. Well I drove to town this morning and saw 4 cornfields getting ripped through with combines... I just spoke with my cousin a minute ago he was driving through Sparta and said everyone is out cutting down their corn there too.
There is going to be alot of crying boys when they take a trip to check on corn field grows this year. See we just had to advance the corn did'nt we. Might not be able to grow in cornfields before long around my area!
it was a joke .. no hate here.

Corn field growing is popular around here in Illinois as well. Weather around the midwest has been great this week, and will continue to be good for another week.
are you saying they are pulling the corn early? how is that affecting your outdoor grows?
Most farmers in my area who grow corn do very little to maintain it, I guess with the diversity of crops the soil is rich enough to not need ferts or anything. I never even see crop dusting of pesticides, so they do make an ideal place to grow for some.
Fuck I hope there not cutting early. I do know that the corn they use for silage is being cut as I type this but the field corn has to have 10% moisture content or less to be harvested and stored or it will mold and be useless.
yea corn is geneticly altered and all farmers need to do is prep soil before the corn starts like organic growing....the feilds right down the road from me are actualy bare this year so they can grow weeds and the chop um up into the soil for next years nutes...corn feilds are also HEMP's/DEA's #1 fly over spot, along with rivers and lakes, private ponds, anny water source...and any farmlandfor that matter...best bet is to stay clear of these things and go deep into state land...or get your card..or both!..

hic theres only so much we can do right! i'll take some of those free seeds tho got a ton of ppl I can pass them to..I'll swap you some of my F1 creations as well!

well fellas I'm heading to the patch here in a few I'll do my best in getting some good shots for ya! prolly just make another video it's much easier...this time i'll try to shake less lol the pills and redbull

I'm sure that since your plants were already in flower from just being outside that the hour of extra sun wont make a differene at all bro..its more of a prolonged thing that can screw them up maybe like a week or so, you'll be all good..cannabis like most good things in this hell hole cant be rushed...I can tell u one thing growing has deff givin me the patience of an old indian chief.. <---LOLZ
guys my dad and most my family are farmers, what they are cutting now is the corn there selling to the biodiesle plants.. But with this hot dry summer we've had its a sure bet the feed corn will dry out early this year.. My dad normaly cuts his corn down around the first week of november. I stopped by his place a couple nights ago and he was talking like he might start cutting test strips the first couple weeks of october this year.. Like KB said corn fields are not a wise choice to grow in at all.. With the cameras the dea has it sticks out like a sore thumb from above. Even just a few plants in a close area are no trouble spotting.. If you cant grow on your own property, then your best bet is in a state forrest or nature reserve way off the beaten trails.. Im glad I finaly got enough land to grow on. I would get to paranoid If I couldnt keep an eye on my girls..

I'm sure that since your plants were already in flower from just being outside that the hour of extra sun wont make a differene at all bro..its more of a prolonged thing that can screw them up maybe like a week or so, you'll be all good..cannabis like most good things in this hell hole cant be rushed...I can tell u one thing growing has deff givin me the patience of an old indian chief.. <---LOLZ

Thanks KB, I set that one back out right before sunrise today and they are all gonna stay where there at untill there ready.. I looked at them real close with my mag glass this morning and Finaly I can see the starts of buds on most of them.. 8 weeks from today is like october 22nd so no doubt I will be fine.. I dont think I have 8 weeks left anyway more like 6 or 7 if the buds start forming as fast as they do inside..
What site you peeps hosting pics on?

you just upload them in the thread or you have an album in your profile you can upload them too... If you do a little bit of reading and searching before you ask stupid questions like that you can find the answers on your own.. nobody is ignoring you personaly they are ignoring your stupid question... This thread has been nothing but great to me.. full of people wiling to help and give advice if you ask intelligent questions nicely man..
well Delstele I went through your post and cannot find a question from ya. Sorry man, Yea I get the pics right off the computer and upload em on here. This might be rude but, could you please reask a question or 2?
you just upload them in the thread or you have an album in your profile you can upload them too... If you do a little bit of reading and searching before you ask stupid questions like that you can find the answers on your own.. nobody is ignoring you personaly they are ignoring your stupid question... This thread has been nothing but great to me.. full of people wiling to help and give advice if you ask intelligent questions nicely man..

look man when you asked a question did I call you stupid? There are no stupid questions you sir are an ass..

well Delstele I went through your post and cannot find a question from ya. Sorry man, Yea I get the pics right off the computer and upload em on here. This might be rude but, could you please reask a question or 2?

Thanks hic..

Thank you..
look man when you asked a question did I call you stupid? There are no stupid questions you sir are an ass..

Thank you Thank you very much...! Your right there are no stupid questions but there are correct and incorrect places for questions.. This is a thread in the outdoor growing forum its not a how to use this site thread.. There is a help forum wich has threads that explain how to upload pictues to threads on this site or to your album on this site.. If you would have even looked in the help forum your question would have been answered faster then you could have type it...

Green Dave, Looking good bro... Nothing like some bud porn to goet the blood flowing...
Thank you Thank you very much...! Your right there are no stupid questions but there are correct and incorrect places for questions.. This is a thread in the outdoor growing forum its not a how to use this site thread.. There is a help forum wich has threads that explain how to upload pictues to threads on this site or to your album on this site.. If you would have even looked in the help forum your question would have been answered faster then you could have type it...

Green Dave, Looking good bro... Nothing like some bud porn to goet the blood flowing...


The same can be said for your questions about moving your plant in and out, is it gonna finish in time to me thats dumb as fuck I did not try to boost my ego by telling you that shit. So please don't lecture me about where to post my questions. You hide behind a puter screen casting insults not cool man not cool at all.