New Member
i hope these politicians are real fucking comfortable with their desk jobs, getting paid millions of dollars annually with their nice pensions and corporate connections, not paying taxes, etc while fucking recent college grads like myself, with a bachelors in hard science, can't find a job for shit, anywhere
im fucking exhausted, my spirit is shot, and i'm tired of being told to "STAY POSITIVE, HANG IN THERE". fuck you, i'm 23 and i want my life to begin (starting with some financial independence)...and i dont want to have to break laws to try and make ends meet but this shit is becoming more like survival
im fucking exhausted, my spirit is shot, and i'm tired of being told to "STAY POSITIVE, HANG IN THERE". fuck you, i'm 23 and i want my life to begin (starting with some financial independence)...and i dont want to have to break laws to try and make ends meet but this shit is becoming more like survival