Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Active Member
Sup Brudda Man, last time I was here you were shuting it down ......LOL
Hope the trees are long and strong !!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
thanks for the compliment, hahahha! takes one to know one, ya know?! LOL

don't trip Jo, that's how I was feeling at the time. it's the state of being irie:cool:


Well-Known Member
......one bad mof'er *yup*
Poncho, he was my hero when I was lad (CHiPs) oh how misguided I was then.....

I actually went to court with an old employer who tried to sack me for sending a picture by email of Eric Estrada with his top off and jacket slung over his shoulder, saying, "Your a Fag".....it was a great court case, what a laugh, I won as well which was even better.

Where you been at Dr G?

Here's a pic of my outdoor girl for ya - she's about hitting 6 foot. Hopefully this will entise you back to RIU a bit more

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Damn Dst! Looks awesome! Thanks for sharing:D

been busy having a life that's kind of in a rollercoaster mode right now. Things here and there that Are keeping me grounded and making life hard but other than that, if I got me my herb, and there's waves to be ridden, then it's all good.:)

it's good to see you bru, it's been awhile. I'll be back to check pics of that outdoor sweetie! Take it ez my friend and keep it green:cool:


Well-Known Member
I heard Tatu used to pull knives on locals at coco palms back in the fantasy island days on the garden island.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I heard Tatu used to pull knives on locals at coco palms back in the fantasy island days on the garden island.
you seem so familiar too me. do I know you? for a minute there, I didn't realize you were wearing a wig and I almost mistook you for a dude I haven't seen in almost 5 yrs. seriously, you look just like em'. by the way, welcome to the thread