Just had my entire crop stolen!

Outdoor noob

New Member
Words cannot describe how fu*king vexed I am being ripped off by some lowlife c*cksucking scumbag piece of dogsh*t of a human being. I would pay the value of my entire crop to find out who took it, even a suspicion would be enough to satisfy me.


Well-Known Member
man i feel so bad, im assuming this was outdoor? its probably some fuckin little kids who are putting it in the oven right now, headache bound....


Dude I'M SO FUCKING SORRY FOR YOU AND THAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE.I had 2 beautiful females probably and pound and a half between the 2.I know that ice cold blood feeling running through your veins when you walk up and see they are gone.I can't describe the feeling in less it has happened to you.I bet you wanna beat that motherfucker BLOODY dont you?I DID BIGTIME but I had a big mouth back then and was stupid.Check your friends closely and think hard about what you have said when your all stoned and shit?When it comes to this shit you even gotta check FAMILY!Sorry!

Outdoor noob

New Member
I dont have the slightest clue who did it. It was in a large forested area, bad trails for hiking, very bushy everywhere, it takes a good 30 minute walk from closest parking to reach it, and than you'd have to stray from the trail and go bush whacking through 5 foot brush.

All I found was a crushed bud light can... mother fu*kers...


Well-Known Member
chances are if ya steal ya dont know how to grow. call the cops on him if you find out!!
Haha yes that would be brilliant, just make sure to move all growing stuff out of your house first. In case the cops show up at your door.


Active Member

I am truly sorry for your loss. Remember this. Karma comes back to you. So this person/people will experience the negative karma that will be coming to them in short order.

I know this won't do anything to help you, but realize this. You are a grower, you have all the knowledge to cultivate cannabis. I know it sucks to start over when you already had an established crop. BUT YOU CAN still start over and grow again (better than going to prison where you can't grow). It might not be till next year for outdoors but there's always indoors, if that's an option.

Peace and positive energy to you



Well-Known Member
if it makes you feel a little better i had 200 plants taken by C.A.M.P. last season. thank god it was not my only patch but it still sucked, i even watch the helacopter land and do it when it happen to me.

Outdoor noob

New Member
This is my second time, I have done 8 months of research before my first grow and know now to make stupid mistakes by blabbing my mouth. I am so vexed I cant even contain it in words.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I too have felt your pain last season.....I still would pay the worth of my stolen plants to find out who it was and beat his fucking

ass. I am sorry for your pains. Never grow in that spot again. Be Easy Bro

Outdoor noob

New Member
so you told nobody!!?? maybe it slipped when drinking/smoking?

My two brothers who contributed to my hard work and are as shocked as I am.
We are very close and I easily would trust them with my life.
No one else knew.

There are other factors at play, but I still cannot imagine someone going through so much trouble to rip off a grower, I have heard stories how people in my region rent cessna planes to scout forests and the I noticed tire tracks on the trail... this person really is a piece of sh*t.

Outdoor noob

New Member
well someone was watching you. visit the spot much?
Once you clear the parking you're literally gone from any prying eyes, huge lake seperates this area from more hilly forests and on the other side large farmlands with no nearby housing. With brush between the trail and the farm.

I was leaving a trail, but changed entries, and like I said, you have to cut through 5 foot of bush and know where the f*ck to go to find these things, it was not a large plot. I'm dumbfounded. Someone really went looking for this sh*t