wow my new system is cranking it out


checked the sept HT and picked up a new unit the spinner. Man it rocks. anybody else got one? what do you think?


Well-Known Member
probably better if you include a link so people will know what youre talkin about:

im assuming thats what youre talkin about, but no, i dont have one... too small for my liking.

edited to add:
i would be concerned about the possibility of leaves beating the shit out of each other when they rotate when they get too big...

edited to add:
actually looked at a video and looks pretty nifty... though i think i will stick to dwc =-D

thanks for the info...


My buddy got his from I was looking around to see other journals and I didn't see any. Well I am doing pretty good with things. I tested the machines out for a magazine and actually, they do really fuckin rock. They would be sweet if they were bigger but I used my crops to build a great system. Started with a free tester and got 5 more 2 months later. Here are the pics I took during my most recent grow. I'm hitting 1.75lbs avg per machine. Last show I had an OG platinum got over 2 in each machine. Enjoy!!!



Well-Known Member
My buddy got his from I was looking around to see other journals and I didn't see any. Well I am doing pretty good with things. I tested the machines out for a magazine and actually, they do really fuckin rock. They would be sweet if they were bigger but I used my crops to build a great system. Started with a free tester and got 5 more 2 months later. Here are the pics I took during my most recent grow. I'm hitting 1.75lbs avg per machine. Last show I had an OG platinum got over 2 in each machine. Enjoy!!!
what size light you got in there, 1.5lbs per machine sounds absolutely unreasonable..


I got 1.8lbs from that machine. I have another set coming soon where it looks like I will get over 2lbs.


Well-Known Member
is that 1.8 lb. dry weight??? & is it bud only ? the plants look good the unit kinda reminds me of a phototron with a twist i would guess the plants dont try to grow tall because of the light position & plant rotation is it mechanicly reliable???


Yeah, the first post seems a bit vague for someone who is actually growing in one. It sounds more like sales-speak than actual grower-speak "Wow! Look at the results product X is giving me!"

"Boy, I sure do enjoy whitewashing this fence!"


Well-Known Member
i think ill sit back & watch i bet they cost huge & what if it breaks ??? & last but not least how expensive is it???

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
you could save a few thousand by just not buying this contraption and
hanging your lights vertically and giving your plants a 1/4 turn everytime you go to your room which is atleast once a day or dont even rotate them at all, the buds will grow
take rooted clones in 1/5 gal- 1gal pots veg for like 2 weeks then flower
there plenty of threads on here about vertical growing
