I think what TTT is saying, is it's true you can't enter a property without a warrant etc but in
the context he is describing, you can, for instance there is some sort of emergency someone dying (whether they are or not or in TTT's case someone phoning from goodness knows where) if the police were to knock and 'know' from said phone call that you may be unconscious or dying they may enter as with the ambulance and fire brigade, its just bad luck if that happens and they stumble on your grow because of some douche making a phone prank call...
but what I understand that your saying is they can't enter no matter what, which is also true but given the above circumstances has its various waivers, as to what the police/ambulance/fire brigade believe to be reasonable, doesn't come down to whether you think its reasonable entry if they have reason to believe a life is in danger etc, they will come in.
sorry to intrude
edit: don't most people live at their grow sites? cos i'd be damned if i could afford 2 rents and most people except commercial growers.. just curious