First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Well-Known Member
Doinit your plants all look awesome I'm very impressed. Honestly destiny looks very yummy but don't resist the urge to let her keep growing until she pretty much stops spitting out white hairs. Like Bill said she will tell you when she's ready, & she doesn't quite look ready to me yet, but she looks awesome!

& congrats on the move, I hope the new space pays off for you. You've done quite well with what you've got already!

- Rom


Active Member
Doinit your plants all look awesome I'm very impressed. Honestly destiny looks very yummy but don't resist the urge to let her keep growing until she pretty much stops spitting out white hairs. Like Bill said she will tell you when she's ready, & she doesn't quite look ready to me yet, but she looks awesome!

& congrats on the move, I hope the new space pays off for you. You've done quite well with what you've got already!

- Rom
Thanks Rom! It feels really great having all the support from you guys (n girls). My other half could care less about what goes on in that room, and he's the damn caregiver LOL. I'll tell Destiny what you said, she'll be very flattered! I just hope the other two autos that are over twice her height fill out in the same way she has. I'm really excited about moving, we sign the paperwork on Saturday and start moving next weekend, I'm so geeked! I'll have to use closets for my grow, but I have 3 of them to utilize. Also for spring and fall the attic in the house and the loft in the garage will work for autos!


Active Member
This is what you want to get, it is super cheap at walmart.

I went to walmart yesterday, and would you believe the fools don't have any? I had 3 associates looking for it and then they went and got a manager, but not just any manager, a DM, and he said they only carry it around thanksgiving! Fuckin really? So I'm gonna stop at the little hometown store tonight and pay twice as much, but at least I'll have some. Then I can make cookies too!


Active Member
lol thats me! I have a surprise for everyone in the near future. as near as tomorrow even!
Ooooooh Natty, I LOVE surprises lol.

I checked Destiny's seed pods by pinching them lightly and if feels like the seeds are forming nicely. I have to wait until harvest though to be sure. I plucked one about 3 or 4 days ago and it was just starting to get the dark outer layer on it so I think they will be nice plump viable seeds. I have great plans for them also...turn them into plants with more seeds! I'll never have to buy another auto again LOL


Well-Known Member
okay the surprise will have to wait until I have some more time, maybe tonight. but I will PM all who will be involved with the surprise...


Active Member
Well, today is 5 weeks exactly on Lucky's flowering cycle...anyone know the average flowering time for mids? Like 8 to 10 weeks or something, right? Lucky is fucking huge, she's so big I can't get a good pic of her without the lights blinding the camera! When we move and I transfer her I will take a picture then so ya'll can see. I'll also get some pics of Kali and my skunk. I think (optimistic person that I am) I am going to name the skunk...I don't know why, but Violet just popped into my brain so Violet it is. Hopefully the name will influence it to be a her!

Also, Destiny is lookin good at day 66. I just had to pluck my first fan leaf for loss of color, and apparently according to UB thats a good thing. Green till the end and all that. All of the white hairs have started to turn colors. Not much, but they are not totally white anymore. So now, all I have to do is wait till they draw in and we r good to go. I don't think she will be done curing till we are done moving, but she will be done in time for the unpacking, so thats cool!

Faith is starting to show a little color change on her also, but just a little. Hope is still all white. These girls are at 50 days, so they should finish about 2 weeks behind Destiny. I'm so excited!

The little sprouts are looking good also, the larger one is about six inches or so and the littler one is at 3 or 4. I also planted another one just cuz we had room for one more under the legal guidelines.

I'm hoping to get some pictures this weekend, but if not, then I'll post some Monday for sure. Hopefully by Monday the pic of Destiny will be trimmed and hanging!

Silent Running

Active Member
I want to grab a spoon and take some of that sugar for my cereal. She looks about ready to throw into darkness for her chop. But others with more experience will be along shortly I am sure. Awesome job.


Active Member
I want to grab a spoon and take some of that sugar for my cereal. She looks about ready to throw into darkness for her chop. But others with more experience will be along shortly I am sure. Awesome job.
Thanks Silent! After reading threads by people like UB and Fdd, I think the dark cycle is unecessary. Mother nature doesnt do a dark cycle...any body got any experience comparing the two methods?