Growing with your parents


Active Member
As everyone knows, growing weed is still not legal everywhere. But not only that, we have to worry about parents if we dont have our own place yet. So, growing either becomes a pipe dream for the meantime, or we get really crafty...
So people, if you are willing to share your wisdom, write any stories that could help others in their stealth ops. I know mine is still a work in progress, but we must grow on!:weed::cry::cry:


Well-Known Member
Either grow outside(in woods, away from house) or just talk to them. Try to pursuade them. Don't grow in their house without their ok. Chances are they will find out and... know what will happen.

Stay in school


Well-Known Member
it's not a good idea. It really isn't. You'll need your parents many times in life...for many reasons...don't p1ss them off royally now.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
So you are happy to risk the possibility of them getting a criminal record, losing their jobs etc? That sure as shit doesn't sit well with me :)

Toking and growing are two very different topics..


Active Member
Here is one for you, plant it somewhere in the garden. Chanses are they don't know what it looks like. And if they do, you just say you dont know where it came from. Make sure no one else can see it. And just forget about untill they are ready. Harvest and then all you have to worry about is to dry. But if you get that far pm me and we can brainstorm a idea. Good luck young padawan, may the force be with you. .


Well-Known Member
Unless you are a legal adult and paying them rent (IE: renting a room, or an apartment from them), then I don't think this is a great idea. At the same time, if they knew about it and allowed it to continue, they could be in real jeopardy if you got caught. Hell, if you can't prove they didn't know about it, they quite possibly could lose their house, jobs, freedom, etc. In all it's probably not a good idea.


Well-Known Member
I come from a strict family both mom and dad are snoopers.. My dad found my grow and sat down and talked to me and said if I'm doing it might as well do it right. He's getting a license (he doesn't smoke but hes handicapped being a war veteran) to help us aquire more plants. So me my girlfriend and my dad will have med cards to supply our operation.


Well-Known Member
that sounds like a better situation than most (but keep in mind this site is 18 and over, not sure whether you fall in that category or not...). Technically still illegal, but if you're not growing more than your limit, or smoking outside your own home, you're probably pretty safe from prosecution.


Active Member
yeah man, I have to take peoples sides about not doing it in your parents home, if shit goes down, the gov could basically bend your family over and make them take it. I tried it when I was younger, then my parents really made me understand what was at risk about doing it in there house... I felt horrible... but now that im older Im growing in my own place and am willing to accept the consequences, not to put them on anyone else.

But as my best advice to be given is, grow outdoors, away from your house, somewhere secluded. And for the best result of them not knowing even if your staying at home, dont develop a sudden interest in gardening by buying a bunch of supplies... and then never plant anything around the house... looks really odd


Well-Known Member
yeah man, I have to take peoples sides about not doing it in your parents home, if shit goes down, the gov could basically bend your family over and make them take it. I tried it when I was younger, then my parents really made me understand what was at risk about doing it in there house... I felt horrible... but now that im older Im growing in my own place and am willing to accept the consequences, not to put them on anyone else.

But as my best advice to be given is, grow outdoors, away from your house, somewhere secluded. And for the best result of them not knowing even if your staying at home, dont develop a sudden interest in gardening by buying a bunch of supplies... and then never plant anything around the house... looks really odd
hahaha that second part made me chuckle


Well-Known Member
My parents live out of state although they've known for a few years what my hobby is.
They came into town for a family reunion last month and i showed them some pics of a few plants i recently harvested.
They were pretty impressed and the end result was four of their friends wanting me as their caregiver. One even offered
to rent me his basement to set up a new growhouse.
Here's to parents, and states with mmj laws!!


Active Member
I come from a strict family both mom and dad are snoopers.. My dad found my grow and sat down and talked to me and said if I'm doing it might as well do it right. He's getting a license (he doesn't smoke but hes handicapped being a war veteran) to help us aquire more plants. So me my girlfriend and my dad will have med cards to supply our operation.
thats badass dude!!


Well-Known Member
dont encourage this bastard to gro in his moms house.......dude if ur not old enough to have the balls to tell ur parents u blaze then u really shouldnt even be growing. plus if u get caught u get off wit like pro but ur parents are fucked fucked fucked especially if it accecible by them I.E. put a lock on ur box


Global Moderator
Staff member
im 16 and my parents know im growing, i told them its 100% hemp, completly legal, and i cant get high off of it. after about an hour of convincing they said it was alright. i just keep it out in the yard. my parents even tell me sometimes that i should water it beacause they soil looks pretty dry.... its awesome!!!!
Sonny, you need to leave - this forum is for persons 18 yoa and older.