1st grow. suggestions? pics included


hey guys been reading alot of posts and man u guys have knowledge.
heres pics from my first grow. 3 weeks in and small. let me know what you think

i planted 9 orginally, 2 i transplanted into seperate pots and i think i ripped their roots off in the process. i wanna get the other ones into their own pots but i dont wanna ripp off their roots too.

i keep them outside during the day and at night i move them inside under a cfl. i picked it up like a week ago. on the box it says 12 23 and 29 watt. soft white 2700 k. 600 1600 2150 lumens



I just started growing last week for the first time too. I only have 4 plants. Did you go to a plant store to get your light? I bought a "grow light" from home depot and I just found out that its not the right kind :-( So I wanna get the right kind tomorrow.


lol i had a gift card from publix and picked it up there. might be the wrong kind tho. might need more watts


Active Member
iSwear you NEVER plant more than 1 seed per pot/container or what ever. The roots will bound up and all the plants witll suffer and die. Those light should hold you up for a little while. (2 to 3 weeks or so). But you need to transplant each plant to its own container ASAP. They won't be healthy at all if they stay in the container together. Also those are wayy to many plants for those lights. Once they get a little bigger they will compete for light and the weaker ones will die off if not all. I suggest growing a few indoors at all times and just keeping some outside because all of them can't stay under those lights unless you get a lot more lights.


thanks for the help! im just worried ill rip the roots off again like what happened with the smaller two in the seperate pots (i dont think those will make it). any suggestions on how to transplant them safely?

and Jane lol yea atleast we'll stumble around together just watch my foot while we're in the dark. do u have ur grow on here?


Active Member
Well since its plastic just squeeze it softly around the entire container and them gently turn it upside down and let the plants and soil fall in your hand. Try not to tear roots. Also plant in soil with the same amount of moisture so it won't shock the plant. What will you be transplanting them into?


Well-Known Member
I suggest you start reading up on growing. Probably eliminate the reservoir, in the long run it will just harbor mold and bacteria. Treat them with anti fungal agents as well as neem oil before it even becomes a problem. I recommend a blend of compost, coco coir, and hydro nutrients when necessary.

Its best to wait a bit judging by the pictures but damaging the root mass in a minor way will not kill the plant. It will however reduce or stall growth for a bit. Plant them in their final container as soon as possible. Expect some beasts if you are flowering out doors.


Well-Known Member
use a spoon and scoop from way under. then drop it in a bucket of water. the soil will fall to the bottom and seperate from the roots. then gently place the roots into the new dirt and brush soil over the roots to bury them.


ill try both techniques in the morning. right now they are all in a decent sized pot.
after i transplant ill start treating them for mould and fungus like GreedandVanity said. i wanna get them to a decent size then move them into the ground. a buddy of mine has an animal farm and il be using cow and horse manure to replant them in.

i dont have any big pots lying around so ill put them in separate but significantly smaller ones. or do you guys think id be better off cutting the top of a milk container and putting them in there?


so i transplanted them not too long ago. kinda scared the pic below is the best root i managed to get. i think i might of ripped off the roots on the other ones.

i got another lamp on them now. two in total one cfl. ill be gettig another cfl and replace the regular light bulb that i have going on them soon.

please someone post some suggestionss



Well-Known Member
it looks like you did a good job. now just give it a few days and see if they get bigger or start to shrivel up.


i just did some reading and figured i shud be every watering 3-5 days at this stage? is this correct. ive been watering everyday. noob mistake i know. over loving over bearing parent. after i transplanted i gave them all a ton of water. from this point on im onlly gona wet the top of the soil. sounds good?


also i had an idea. since the roots should stretch to the bottom to get water. wat if bore a whole at the bottom of the pot. a small whole and wet the soil that way.