First Grow!!! 6 CFL stealth case Barneys Farm LSD 1 plant


Hey Guys,

New to the site and new to growing as well. Just doing one plant to see how it goes and see how potent this strain actually is. It is said to be at 24% THC. Anyway, broke ground on the 13th, planted in a 60/40 mix of miracle grow organic soil and perlite. (dont hate on the fact that the plant is being started in a Dunkin Donuts cup haha) I have 6 CFLs (5000k, 26w) on an 18/6 timer, with an average temp of about 82 degrees. Not sure if this is to high, but i am working on that. 2 passive intakes made from 3.5 inch plastic piping, and 3 pc fans as exhaust on the top of 2 rubbermaid totes. The inside is coated in tin foil to block light, applied with 3M super 77 spray adhesive, and then covered in sheet mylar for reflection.


Please give me some feedback, as this is my first attempt!


Active Member
setup looks good but i would definitely move that bulb closer, but that could bet the perspective of the pic, 1"-4" is the best for your plant.

good luck and keep updating.

EDIT: i forgot to say that if that cup is clear you want to cover it because the roots are not supposed to be exposed to light.


yeah, that pic is with the lid moved off. there are 6 of them now and they are about 3 inches from my baby! I still worry about my temp, what is safe? I know 72-78 is best, but sometimes it gets in the mid to high 80's


Active Member
well im not sure about indoor but its been 95ish for the last month here and my outdoor plants are doing fine(not perfect, but acceptable) so i dont know for sure but i dont see why 80-85ish would matter indoor


Active Member
this is a good point... dont want those roots exposed to light...

otherwise looks great!


Active Member
if you have another cup like that you cant paint it or cover it with tape and the put it on top of your other cup so that you could remove the covered cup and look at how well your roots are developing along the way.

Just an idea.


Active Member
welcome. check my grow out and let me know what you think.

as for yours i would do everything exactly as you are, everything looks perfect to me you should get a good plant


The ppl on this site are awesome haha. The double cup thing is the first thing I thought of too, so tomorrow when I get my coffee ill ask for an extra cup. As far as covering it, I was thinking just a few layers of duct tape, not sure how that will affect heat. Fire off any suggestions to the new guy haha.


Hey guys, a littlw worried that my girl is under sized for breaking ground on the 13th. Am I over worrying? I can't post a pic right now bc I'm using my phone, but its not even really noticeably bigger than my first pic of the plant at the opening of this thread. I saw another plant 5 days old and it appeared to be like 8 times bigger in the leaves. Any advice?


Active Member
Hey bro, did you say you have tin foil for the wall lining? That may be contributing to your heat problems since they create 'hot spots' and aren't really recommended. White paint or Mylar is the best for future reference. But I'd play with it to see if your temps go down. Subscribed.

p.s. Sorry! went back to look at the picks and saw you said you have something over the tin foil! My bad!


Haha yeah its lined with tin foil for light block, then mylar over it. I got a new ac with a thermostat so my heat problem is finally a thing of the past! Hopefully she perks up and spreads out soon. I feel as if I've said that before about a different kind of girl... Haha.


Oh, and also, been thinking about switching to hps for flowering when the time comes. Any suggestions considering my box is sorta small with the heat and everything? I would look more into the site but my laptop is being worked on and I only have a blackberry to use for the time being. Help a noobie out!


Active Member
Unfortunately I'm a strictly CFL-man. However I think 250W is more than plenty for that box. But you would NEED a more elaborate ventilation system just cause like you said that box is kinda small and would probably get pretty hot. I would possibly make another thread with HPS in the title asking people if it would be practical for that box or whether it's just a simple matter of fan placement. Sorry I wasn't that much help.


Active Member
In regards to the lil one breaking ground on the 13th, that could be a difference of other people counting days from seed, seedling, etc. The ONLY thing that comes to mind is that maybe your lights are too far away if the pic shows where you keep them. It should be within like 3 inches but far enough so they aren't in danger of growing a lot one day and you coming back to find they are touching the light and going to be burnt.


Yeah in that pic I just lifted the lid to show the inside so the representation of the lights is waaaaayt off. I have 6 cfls and they are like 2 inches from the plant. I'm hoping 6 is enough with the mylar. She needs to hurry up and grow!


Well-Known Member
I have 2 LSD seedligs and they too are growing very slowly. Don't know if this is typical of the strain or not. Anybody else have experience with them?