• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/


Have tried them a few times and snorted, then smoked

had a super slow heart rate and felt real whacked out
goood feeling but

Just wondering what other people thought of them?


Active Member
This shit is fuckin amazing. In a bad way sort of. My friend is kind of an addict is constantly going from one drug of choice to the next and recently its been Oxy, I guess he picked it up when he moved to chico. But either way I've been doing them with him about 6 or 7 times now. The 80mg oxy's go for about $45 a pill in our city. We also recently went to San Francisco and my friend scored them right off the street on a street called "Pill Hill" for $45 I think. Either way I smoke 1/4-1/2 of an 80mg pill and that gets me pretty fucked up, my friend did like 120mg the other day. This shit is basically legal heroine and is not something to fuck with, especially if your some noob and don't have a lot of experience with drugs. This shit ruins lives guaranteed. Just the other day my friend decided he would score some heroine and smoke that because he couldn't get any Oxy to smoke instead. I took one hit of that shit, felt like it was way too much of a sluggish high, i'll never do that shit again. Oxy is like some fun ass shit, especially your first time, but it's super fuckin addicting, and my friend is like seriously the biggest fucking dick head when he can't get oxy, or when we do get some he seriously never stops talking shit, calling me an addict, saying that's all i ever want to do, and he does it like twice as much as me.

I've done other shit too, like snorting wellbutrin, that shit gets pretty addiciting after a while too, you'll definitely have withdraws but i'm guessing OC withdraws are 10 times worse, I wouldn't do it for more than 2 days in a row


Well-Known Member
Never tired it... hear it is a good high... always has a bad ending though, seen it ruin alot of peep lives...

Stick to weed...
Good SMoke!!


Well-Known Member
had oxycodone in liquid form was fucking amazing also had a bottle of oramorph.oxy is definetly 1 of thee best drugs ive taken but very addictive!!took upto 120mg and 100mg of liquid diazepam i hallucinated like fuck puked my load and saw a woman sitting on the end of my bed definetly one best experience of drugs of this sort.


Active Member
haha ya they get you gone, but injecting around 120 mg of codeine under the skin is equal to about a 10mg morphine.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
i know people who loved that shit..then it got expensive having to buy them every day so now they just shoot heroin...think about that shit before your like all those ppl.

and i dont know how many kids i knew that would steal from thier families just to pay for the shit, just a bunch of fiends in my opinionbongsmilie


New Member
i've tried oxy 3 times. Its good and all, just not for me. My uncle had a script for 160 mg oxys and i took halves of them. he had some really serious cancer and i didn't take them from him, he gave them to me.


Well-Known Member
I have degenerative disc disease and have had pretty much every pain killer possible, oxymorphone is good, although I thinkHydromorphone is the best, hands down! but I finally told my doctor I didnt want pain killers anymore, I dont like being addicted and unable to function without it, plus its hard to function on them(at least for me) always makes me feel sick. when I would run out my legs would shake all night and I couldnt sleep, hardest fucking thing to get off of ever.
only cannabis for me these days, and sometimes hallucinogens.
well you all must not live in australia cause the pills I were takin were 10mg endone (oxycotin or sometimes oxycodone) for severe pain.. the side effects state, blurred vision, slowed motor skills, slowed heart rate and if taken with alchohol can lead to death..

I didnt pay a cent as they were subscribed to me the last time I broke my leg and now I have done it again so I snaked a few from the box.. did them 3 days in a row and when I couldnt get more I was soo anygry- very addictive ( I think it magnifys your high when smoking buds by at least 50% I snorted 3 and had a couple of cones- felt rocked )

fuck 120mg!



Active Member
yeah i did 20 mg the first time and it got me pretty damn good, but now nothing less than 20 mg does anything at all, i can see how easily it would be to build up tolerance. Smoking weed seems to be great with it, i always feel like smoking a blunt after i free base some oxy. I am about to do it in like 15 minutes yum. Be safe everyone ;-)


Well-Known Member
shits stupid im sorry. Cant see why anyone in their right mind would blow 60$ a pop on some shitty high (thats what they be chargin the junkies around my parts for the 80s). Take just a little too much and ull be vomiting with cold sweats, take too much and itle kill you easily. Just a word of advice stay away from these people. Ive seen one good friend die from them and 2 friends were highly addicted. I told my boy to stop fucking with that shit as it drains the life out of you. Shit changes the way you think and act soo much but the user is usually too blinded by the high to realize the destruction its running on your body and even mental status. Literally makes you into a pill popping zombie and your main goal everynight is how do i scrounge up enough money to get mah fix on. Seen it ruin too many lives to ever fuck with it. My advice people stay away and buy some weed or shrooms if you want to get your high on.

jack the beanstalk

Active Member

Stay off the shit you can't live without.
shits stupid im sorry. Cant see why anyone in their right mind would blow 60$ a pop on some shitty high (thats what they be chargin the junkies around my parts for the 80s). Take just a little too much and ull be vomiting with cold sweats, take too much and itle kill you easily. Just a word of advice stay away from these people. Ive seen one good friend die from them and 2 friends were highly addicted. I told my boy to stop fucking with that shit as it drains the life out of you. Shit changes the way you think and act soo much but the user is usually too blinded by the high to realize the destruction its running on your body and even mental status. Literally makes you into a pill popping zombie and your main goal everynight is how do i scrounge up enough money to get mah fix on. Seen it ruin too many lives to ever fuck with it. My advice people stay away and buy some weed or shrooms if you want to get your high on.

ThE cHeMiSt

Yes listen to them.. don't do any of that. useless addiction, all will come from it is pain.. especially free-basing any pill, your fucking yourself up and most likely hurting your family/friends, trust me I barley have any spoons left in my house thanks to my aunt.. I've seen what it can do to people, stick with shit that's not destroying you, k.
i dont need u to tell me what to do mate..

Im not gonna turn into some spoon melting addict
Ive only ever done 30mg max at a time

Dont reply


Active Member
Oh gawd I loved those things!!!
A little too much lol.
Some idiot would sell them for 1$ b/c she didn't know what they were lol.
After doing it over and over it got old pretty quick, and yea it does feel like smack.
I stopped doing them though, the withdraws were horrible I was sick and had itchy bumps all over me for weeks and I looked so fragile b/c I was skinny and pale.
It was gross.
The truth is,
It CAN do nasty things to you if you let it, but some ppl are smart enough not to let it get that far.
That shit's all fun and games though, until you wanna stop lol.


Well-Known Member
i dont need u to tell me what to do mate..

Im not gonna turn into some spoon melting addict
Ive only ever done 30mg max at a time

Dont reply
belive what you want i sold them jawns so i know what it does one boi i sold to only did it on weekends 3 months latter he was shooting up but do you