Hey all! I'm new here to Rollitup and look forward to any and all advice, opinons and/or information as a first time 'wannabe' home grower. I've been around in this life now for over 50 years and a 'bud affectionado
' for near to 40 of those years but have never tried my hand at this before so bear with an old man
. So, I've attached a couple pics of my efforts so far of (4) little guys/gals that are just a few days short of being 5-weeks old now. I'm growing in Miracle Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix using distilled water when i started. They get anywhere from 8-10 hours of steady Florida sunlight except for the rainy days of course (which we've had a week or so of lately). They're all standing between 5-7" right now (seems a little short to me but what do I know) and appear to be fairly healthy other than not developing as many leaf starts as I had expected by now. You'll ask, I know, and I have yet to check PH or add any kind of nutrient, etc. and they have been transplanted once about 2 weeks ago from small starter cups using the same soil and watering as when I started them. I wouldn't know if I have any problems or not which is why I'm simply giving you the grow history to date and hoping for more expert opnions, advice and/or information as to what I should or shouldn't do from here. Thank you all so much!!

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